
summarize the text, and put the main topics ... I'm posting a lot.. I'm in vacations lol sorry to be inconvenient


I read just some parts, but one thing that caught my attention is the simple solution for the water and steam.. If the F** train is goin subsonic, the air flow around it must be cold...

I read just some parts, but one thing that caught my attention is the simple solution for the water and steam.. If the F** train is goin subsonic, the air flow around it must be cold...

Shouldn't military be slim and fit ?

Almost champion in 2008 can prove that he has talent!

Stop it lol.. I'm not a fanboy or nationalist, but Felipe is a good racing driver.

The scenario is gorgeous, but it is hard to admire it when driving seriously..

Lord of the rings landscape + Gran turismo = wet pants

humm.. using google chrome at work.. Maybe is because of this

I see a future where you tune your eletric/hybrid car with lightweight bateries, suspension and tires for track use.. And hack the systems to get more juice from it..

NOPE is regional restriction, I'm in Brazil.

Can't see it, dammit

They skip a Lamborghini across a lake. That's all you need to know.

z8 ich style

this will be used for promoting the movie.. my guess

Viva Ayrton para sempre!

I like the exaust notes and the engine sound, and I'm glad that we still have.