Please clarify which one is kids and which is pets in your example.
Please clarify which one is kids and which is pets in your example.
You can take the woman out of the 90s ... but it seems that you can’t take the 90s out of the woman :)
Mayor of Simpleton by XTC.
His amateurish ignorant dumbassed bullshit is seen as a PLUS by his mouthbreathing knuckledragging jackwagon fans.
“I will be able to say ‘I’ve shared a bath with a Masters winners”
Why is he not a player-coach already? The media would get to double down on LeBron talk (LeBron the coach and LeBron the player). He definitely would love the fucking attention, and he honestly might not be a worse coach than Lue and Blatt.
I live in a large (1 million +) midwestern city and pay 675 for a 2 bedroom, 2 FULL bath 1300 sq foot apartment near a trendy area. I don’t get the appeal of SF. expensive and dirty and smells like literal shit.
Harper Lee? Totally low energy. Complete loser. When was the last time she wrote a book? Have you seen the books I wrote. They have the best words in them. Not like her words. Did you hear that Atticus is racist? The blacks love me. Buy Trump Steaks.
Also never 4get
The big thing to me, and I can’t stress this enough, animals do not have gender specific pissing bushes.
Worst part is the kids aren’t even 4 yet
Thanks for chiming in, Kim’s intern.
It’s pure hubris for Americans to keep going to countries like North Korea and Iran. They have to know what will happen to them but the attitude seems to be “I’m an American, I can go wherever I like and do whatever I like”. And about the U.S. secretly negotiating with North Korea, I guess we do negotiate with…
Yeah, like people do that...
-Ramon Garciaparra
Ah, the days when Johnny Manziel and Tiger Woods* would have fit right the fuck in, because men were men and everyone else kept their fucking mouths shut.