
... NFL was trying to parlay the waiver into a release of any claims for collusion/retaliation that Kaepernick could make as a result of his ongoing unemployment by the league since settling his first collusion case in February…

As far as professional sports Unions go, the toothless NFLPA is lacking. Their biggest accomplishment was Tecmo Bowl.

This is not the last SNS, but agreed that everyone is amazing and beautiful. If it were the last SNS, I promise I would make a family-style pesto in all of your honor.

I pray this is not the case but just in case this is the last SNS I wanted to thank everyone here for contributing to what has become a truly amazing community. Y'all are such beautiful people who I respect and admire so much. This blog and its community have helped me more than I can ever put into words and your

Shelter Cat Update! With Extra Bruce!

I’m the opposite, I only use blue ink. Like, I will change out the ink in my husband’s fountain pen if he has black ink in there and I need to use it. Cannot STAND black ink!

If i have a bag of potato chips, i pick out the mutant folded ones and eat them first....they taste better than the perfect flat ones. 

I have a minor compulsion to sort things in color spectrum order. If there's things of various colors in front of me, they will probably end up in rainbow order. I can generally avoid it in stores because stores often organize clothes like this anyway and because I dont want to mess up a display.   Also, if I am

I always use a black ink pen except for the red ink pens I use to correct typos in library books.

Definitely a kitchen dancer and singer while making dinner person...almost always stoned.

When I eat sandwich crusts or crusty bread, I like to have it with a soda so I can take a sip right after taking a bite to soften the dusty crusts in my mouth, like dipping a cookie in milk. Tastes good, improves the texture, prevents any choking on crumbs, and limits the hard chewing I have to do, minimizing the risk

You joke, but “Other Peoples’ Business—Get in there!” is one of the best motivational seminars going.

As if it could get worse, T.I. also readily admitted that he knows his 15 year old son started having sex last year and doesn’t have any issue with it. I’m guessing he also reminds his son that “those sluts” are fine for now, but make sure you find a respectable woman to date. 

This is fucking child abuse.


Men like him are deeply paranoid about his daughter meeting the 20 year old version of himself.

T.I. is very concerned about his daughter’s hymen. He’s so concerned that he recently told a podcast that he goes to the gynecologist every year to have the doctor “check” her hymen.

That is absolutely just fucking gross. 

Melania is the third wife of a wealthy man with a history of adultery and sexual abuse. She knows exactly where she stands, and so do we.

I really don’t care, do u?