
It’s his dumb rationale for why he doesn’t want a vasectomy that is being ridiculed. If he had a reason that wasn’t related to toxic masculinity then it wouldn’t be a reason to laugh in his face.

I’m right there with people not wanting to make what they feel is a permanent change to their body. That’s cool.

Do cable TV celebrities also confuse you as a concept?

I don’t have a past reinvention but this year I’m moving abroad and intend to become the best me ever in 2020! No more job, away from awful family who’ll never visit, I’m now getting rid of nearly all of my possessions except casual clothes, jewelery, and toiletries, and it’s going to be a brand freaking new life for

I mean...violence is not the answer, but I understand. I don’t condone it, but I get it.

There’s something so wrong with our food production and it’s reflected in the pricing more than anything. Where I live a surcharge for non dairy milk is 2 dollars (my preference is coconut or oat) and I never understand why. How is it more expensive to produce oat milk - literally the cheapest grain there is - then

My image focused, “Karen” of a sister stole one of my teenage son’s Christmas presents at my parents’ Christmas Eve gathering. He was in that awkward, angsty stage and this really bothered him. She thought it was super funny and refused to return it, even when I quietly took her aside and asked nicely. Nothing says

The giver was my father, not me, but this is still a great story.

“What the fuck is wrong with your parents?”

The following Valentine’s Day, my parents also thought it would be funny to give me a see through red lace bra and panty set.

Not given by me but by a now-ex friend (“ex” for a myriad of reasons similar to this):

Her stepson was getting married on Christmas eve...she gave him a $1000 gift certificate to a divorce lawyer, “because we can all see that coming.”

This whole problem could have been avoided if we funded schools properly stopped obfuscating the FACTS of the slavery in America.

Ok class, here’s some shoe polish. Half of the class put this on your face. You are the slaves. The other half of the class, you’re the slave owners. Now buy and sell your classmates. This will...uh...learn you some stuff. 

ok so Im an elementary teacher and I am struggling to see the value of this assignment period. Like how is naming the price of slaves contributing to anything this person was trying to teach? She could have had them research the historical price of things and used that for wherever this assignment was going and that

Serial eating is very weird to me. It also has no effect on other people and your sister is being rude and unkind for doing anything other than keeping those thoughts in her head, and same for everybody else who went along with it.

Christmas was ruined but it wasn't you or your sister's fault at all.

Man I hope you don’t still feel bad about this. :( You were a kid, and it sounds like you did a better job than 99% of 11-year-olds would do! Your mom either has/had some Unresolved Issues (maybe the hat and scarf reminded her of a horrible incident from her own childhood?) ... or she’s just a fucking asshole. Either

Twenty or so years ago, I and my four brothers are at my grandmother’s house in a wealthy suburb of Boston. Our unmedicated, bipolar mother is there, and she’s agitated and starting to drink (she went through periods of thinking God had cured her of her bipolarity and would then abandon her meds, and why not a week

The last time I traveled for Thanksgiving was when we drove up to my uncle’s house when I was pregnant with my youngest child. We were a full two hours late because it took us almost 8 hours to get there in some of the worst traffic I have ever seen on Thanksgiving Day. I spent the entire drive with a pie on my lap,

When you are the designated scapegoat in a family of narcissists and flying monkeys, just waking up and being alive on Thanksgiving is a horror show.