
Orphan remains my greatest moviegoing experience. It was just a so-so thriller, but at the big reveal a tween/early-teen girl sitting down the row from us stood up and shouted ESTHER GOT TITTIES at the top of her lungs. It was incredible and probably the hardest I’ve ever laughed in public.

Confidence (even the appearance of it) and charisma are very attractive qualities. The article made me hope that Beach finds success out of this because she seems really interesting and talented. 

I’d never heard of either of these people until today, but this was a well-written piece by Beach - I read it to the end despite it being about 2 people I don’t know doing stuff I’m not interested in. So there’s that, I guess.

It’s been said a gobillion times before but the best characterization of the Joker was in Batman: The Animated Series (which also gave us Harley Quinn). They couldn’t fall back on violence or sex or sexual violence (ugh) or sheer insanity to make the Joker interesting so they actually had to make the Joker, you know,

Full disclosure: Avid Comic reader, geek whatever term you chose to use and I asked aloud when this film was announced and will say so again after seeing the trailer, Was this film necessary? Really we’ve had so much Batman related content over the last two decades I feel that we have approached sensory overload.

I’m sick of being told to sympathize with pathetic straight white guys. I’m sick of being told that they are all secretly the good guys, no matter how fucked up their actions. This movie can go and fuck itself.

Zazie Beetz is the love interest?? So much for believability.

From the comment section on the source article: “I don’t even know who either of these people are, but I must say, as a straight black man who loves white girls messiness...this is top shelf."

Here’s my essay: I also was friends/roommates with a magnetic pathological liar for several years. It was bad and shitty. When I was 23 I told her I was moving out and that she should get therapy because no one could trust a damn thing she said. Last I heard she had a kid and I felt sorry for it. The end.

I’m old so feel free to discount what I’m about to say.

Britney’s situation is just sad. It’d be one thing if it had imploded and she disappeared. But the continued saga and her remaining in the spotlight as a basically adult-child-star is hard to watch. Even when she is seemingly doing good it still feels like I’m witnessing something I (we) shouldn’t be watching.

To read that Britney’s custody of her sons was reduced to 30% plus needing an approved adult seems like there’s a big chunk of information missing from the story.

Oriental sages say this is worthy work.

I just attribute everything I say to Maya Angelou.

Actually, little known fact about Gandhi is that he was vital in the customer service crisis of 1920. He single handedly heard the complaints of every woman with a Kate Gosselin haircut in India and gave them each a $5 off coupon for their next visit to any store in the country.

My favorite misattributed quote is at our local post office. The have a lengthy screed about customer service and how the customer is #1... who supposedly said this? Ghandi.

my favorite is:

You know, I thought there were a surprising amount of African proverbs about wanting to bang Walt Whitman.

After your last image, I... I have to post this:

The problem with all of these is that they are actually Oscar Wilde quotes.