
I guess we know who’s going to be the recipient of today’s twitter shitfit.

Thank you! The very early stuff can be problematic but they own up to it and have done so much good in their careers.

Was really holding out hope the blind bags would just be regular minifigs. This entire thing is just meh.

Like, I get it, but I still wish they didn’t insist on every new line of models starting with the RX-78-2. Give me the Alex.

So garbage company uses underhanded tactics to artificially inflate numbers, got it.

Do people still collect pops like they are coated in crack? I just could never see the appeal of having a big headed dead eyed statue of a character.

Do people still collect pops like they are coated in crack? I just could never see the appeal of having a big headed

So what I’m getting from the comments is there is no point in trying to be a better person and make up for mistakes. That unless you happen to have a time machine you’re basically Hitler forever. Is this really the message we want to send to racists? That there is no point in changing?

It’s insane. Yes it took too long but to literally say this guy should die for finally doing the right thing? That he and apparently anyone that plays video games “should have no rights.”? Pretty sure the goal of the movement is EQUAL rights, not some weird Footloose style dystopian future we’re rights are determined

A bit? Saying anyone "should have no rights" is literally spitting in the face of what BLM is trying to accomplish. 

This is a ridiculous overreaction. Why are you even here if you think everyone that enjoys or creates the things this site covers are racist?

The company that makes the game has nothing to do with the game... that's certainly an... interesting take.

Wow, even for 1994 that card seems egregious, literally the KKK with the power of “y’all dont belong round here.”

Had to check the article to make sure "spam bot" wasn't a euphemism for teenager. 

Whaaaaat? Someone involved with a program exclusively by and for shitheads was a shithead? Say it ain't so.

What does it matter if the person coming into the bathroom has a penis? If your concern is that someone could creep on you in the stall well guess what, people with vaginas can do that too, and SHOCKER, IT’S ALREADY AGAINST THE LAW. Is she using bathrooms wrong? Does she strip butt ass naked the second the door swings

I can’t imagine any sitting position that would make that comfortable.

I don’t know what these moms were expecting. You are willingly handing your kid over to someone who’s entire schtick is child abuse, you really expect her to draw the line at racism?

Remember when TLC stood for The Learning Channel? Now all they do is exploit people like a modern version of those aweful circus side shows.

You had me at Willem Dafoe

I guess it's good to feel embarrassed about it but that's just a drop in the bucket of things to be embarrassed about with that movie.