
I’m sorry but that’s ridiculous. No card has ever been in every deck, so by your logic there has never been a broken card in any TCG ever.

Pizza cutter, all edge, no point.

Are you naturally this stupid or do you work at it?

Maybe don't correct people if you don't know what you're talking about. He is 19 now. He was 12 when he cheated.

Can you provide an alternative explanation for these objectively petty hissy fits?

put your face to your words coward 

alternatively just don't be a piece of shit

does it hurt being that stupid?

Y’all seriously wrote an entire article about how sad you are you don’t want to fuck the fictional dog fight doctor as much anymore.

I come back to this website now and then to see if it stopped being absolute garbage. When the first thing I see is a list of the anime some dude jerked it to it doesn’t take long to see that no, no it has not.

Enjoy living the rest of your miserable life living in a world where you are irrelevant. You could make the world a better place by not having that be very long.

Counterpoint: fuck him and fuck you.

When you die no one will be sad, I hope you realize that.

I would absolutely love to see you back up that staggeringly stupid lie.

You do know there is more to “the internet” than 4chan, right?

Do you need a safe space?

You say that as if there is something wrong with being biased against a hate filled shit goblin. Fuck him and fuck you, the world will be a better place when neither of you are in it anymore.

of all the people on the planet that aren’t objectively evil politicians, the Pauls are up there for people I would be fine with never being seen again.

You mean like the way a duck quacks makes it sound like a duck because that is exactly what it is?

This is also a stupid take.