
I would say since he has literally and repeatedly called the media the enemy of the people (for, you know, saying facts) that it could be on purpose and he actively hopes to spread Covid among them.

Except it isn’t and I’m not but I have no time for people that try to make up both sides of an argument so they can pretend they are smart on the internet. Goodbye that person.

Would I miss theaters? Sure. Would I miss AMC theaters? Not for one sticky floor, blown out speaker, one curtain that won’t open all the way second. 

They don’t even bother trying to justify it. “Hey I’m a scumbag and you wont let me play your game, what the fuck?”

I don’t disagree that they shouldn’t stay banned...”

What kind of psychopath would look in the mirror, see that mustache, and think, “yes, this is good."? I guess the kind that would side with a tyrant over the American people.

These recipes aren’t for a mixed egg, and the yolk can explode on an unmixed egg. Why else would they bring it up in the article? And several of these recipes are far more involved that slapping some butter and an egg in a pan.

I dont understand microwave egg recipes. Taking one of the quickest, almost fool proof foodstuffs to just toss in a pan and instead taking the risk of having it explode and then having to deal with the mess when you were trying to save time just feels counter productive, and even if it works I can’t imagine it being as

...this is lifehacker? Did you just assume because it's a race issue this must be the "black" site? Kind of sounds like there is a reason you "feel" racist.

Who wants to take bets on how long it takes the totally”not racist” Republicans to say being anti-racist makes you a terrorist just like being anti-fascist?

They stole the mans pizza? Like... yeah it’s nothing compared to the outright atrocities they are committing but how fucking petty can they get? I hope that pizza had bacon on it.

The only problem with that idea is that these cops would ever have a problem pulling a trigger at black people in the first place.

I think the important takeaway is this person literally knows what their grandmothers wet dreams are. I gagged a little just typing that.

I'll take 12.

I seem to recall how the American people dealt with a tyrannical leader that brought military force against protestors in the past. It’s kind of the reason there is an America.

How about not making “joke” headlines that are genuinly harmful? You know damn well there are plenty of idiots that would read everything up to the parenthesis and stop there. Granted if they “like” got to the actual writing it's so awful the article pretty much discredits itself. Just use mineral screens people, it’s

How about not making “joke” headlines that are genuinly harmful? You know damn well there are plenty of idiots that

It’s a contest. It’s not FOR professional artists. You literally only asked clearly biased people that would support you’re incredibly jaded “hot take.” How about you ask 11 year old Billy what he thinks of the possibility of his costume that he drew in 10 minutes with crayon ending up in the game? Pretty sure it’s

Lol where have you been the last 4 years?

So uh... yeah! Fuck these garbage people forever! Someone should "rehome" them into a burning building.

I... I cant even tell if any of these are jokes.