
A fat white guy with a red cap and an unnecessarily large gun. I guess Amazon is catering directly to the MAGAts?

Oh cool, I'm sure all their fan will be excited. 

I genuinely have no clue what you are trying to say here. Are you blaming cheating on video games? I promise you cheating in professional sports existed well before video games existed.

It feels like a wine snob going on about how the 2003 Sangiovese is fine for SOME people but the 2000 was SOOOOooooo much better.

It’s a good FREE game, of course it incentivizes microtransactions. 

Complaining a game isn’t exactly like another game. Good ol kotaku.

That a judge can do any one of these things and keep his job, much less all of them till now, is all the proof anyone should need to know the system is broken.

What could it have possibly been meant for BUT bad intentions???

Does this really need to be explained to you? Free trials are for new players. You aren’t a new player. You aren’t barred from shit, you’re just so entitled you feel you should get something for free for no good reason.

I would think that my first sentence address your last sentence would answer that.

I would hope not. That is an incredibly low bar to claim something should be illegal. By that logic I’d have to rally for the criminalization of bath and body work stores. I don’t use them and they smell like a unicorn had diarrhea.

I doubt he’s getting tested at all, because his manchild brain thinks as long as it’s not proven he has it he doesn’t, and even then tests aren’t 100% accurate. So the only thing to judge is if he is a huge asshat or a gigantic douche canoe. Me? I’m bipartisan, I think he’s both.

Of course not. OP appears to genuinly think Musk himself “motivates” his engineers and not, you know, the fat checks he signs.

Okay can we stop with these titles please? This is the second time in two days an article has used the title for a silly finger snapping exclamation rather than, gee I dont know, explaining what is in the article? I realize this is a blog and not an actual news source but this still feels like common sense.

And then have slightly cheaper but still stupidly overpriced garbage headphones. What a deal.

And then have slightly cheaper but still stupidly overpriced garbage headphones. What a deal.

Really don’t want to know if name checks out.

When there are plenty of rich people using their money to actively fuck over people you’ll just have to excuse me for not getting a hate boner that someone did the horrible horrible act of... not doing anything. 

I’m sorry what? There is no “free” Netflix subscription that lasts years. These are absolutely paid subscriptions.

I don’t think it’s really obligatory to shit on a dead man just for making a product you don’t like, but you do you I guess.

Who cares? This is a clickbait article about some douches clickbait video.