
Untill just this moment I genuinely thought James Paterson was dead. Sure I still see books with his name on them at the grocery store but the same is true of Tom Clancy and I know he’s dead... he is, right?

I don’t care what gender she is, I like books and it’s an insult to books that her... creations are amongst them. It’s like the Harry Potter series was such a good conduit for getting young people into quality reading and the universe needed it’s dark opposite for balance so Twilight was spawned.

The difference is the word pretend. She actually believes it to the point of literally going into her yard and eating grass, which is undeniably unhealthy.

I’m going to drop what is apparently a radical idea around here. The people harassing her are shitbags, AND she is a terrible choice for this position. Her own words make that abundantly clear. Alright go ahead and call me a Nazi or whatever.

And Epic is still a shitbag company. 

Of course you’re done, because you don’t have a leg to stand on. If you have a choice between following an incredibly flawed document from 200 years ago and people dying right now, and you choose the paper? You are saying you want people to die. You might believe it’s justified but that is still what you are saying. Th

The depths of your derangement is truly fascinating. Not only can you not tell people apart if they disagree with you, which sure sounds like something an actual Nazi would do, you take a statement about someone else, a statement about the world being a better place without someone who wants others to die, something

He’s a god damn child. He makes Bush sound like William Fucking Shakespeare

What the hell are you smoking? I didn’t say that. Are you an idiot?

You seriously think gun nuts care about properly using guns? Every single one of them just assumes if they have enough camo, pouches, and camo pouches, when the need arises they will instinctually become Rambo. The need of course including things like an innocent black man jogging.

Hey everyone I found him. I found that guy. Hey that guy. Out here doing your that guy thing.

Obviously he couldn’t use a bag. If he did there would be a leek in it.

Worth a shot!

Oh I’d help him clean it up. With his face. Repeatedly. 

Let me guess, its "just a character" right? Fuck these shitheads and every single shithead that supports them.

What a world we live in, where literally calling for not getting people killed will get you called a nazi. I'd really love to see the average IQ of the right. I'm guessing mid 50s at best.

Oh so you’re just lying now? That’s cute. Go ahead, present your evidence that a single one of these famous professional basketball players couldn’t afford to participate without this particular brand deal. Or even that the players recieved a single penny from this deal. You know what, since clearly your “argument” is

Oh so you’re just lying now? That’s cute. Go ahead, present your evidence that a single one of these famous professio

Clearly you aren’t. I didn’t wish anything, certainly not violently. But then you people aren’t generally beholden to silly little things like facts.

I mean... if you want to free some space in your cupboard I'll take it. My wife likes her hotdogs burnt anyway.

So just like Dr. Disprespect “pretends” to be an absolute scumbag, Miranda “pretends” to be an absolute idiot. (At best.)