
God I can almost feel the moist breath on my neck. It smells like privilege and racism. And mayonaise. 

Hoo boy, there is a lot to unpack here. Well to your first point, I don’t have to, because I’m not. But in relation to that I am interested, does hypocrisy run in your family or is it a learned skill? Because, well, if you go looking for an article that “proves you right” and find a more up to date one that does the op

Jesus Christ, the disease cannot last without a host for over 2 days. Everyone needs to stop shitting themselves and operating out of fear instead of logic.” -You

You do know that proves you wrong, right? Are DVDs made of copper in your world? The voice of reason, ladies and gentlemen.

Why do you have 7 switches? How do you play them all at once? 

Plus science has already determined it can live on surfaces for as much as 9 days soooooo

Except that isn’t true? Science had already determined it can live on a hard surfaces up to 9 days. Not panicking? Good. Spreading lies? Bad. Spreading lies AND being a dick? Very bad.


Because no ones ever been attracted to fake boobs before? What year is it?



Oh yeah, that thing that has existed as long as cosplay has. What will they think of next? Wigs? PROPS?! WHERE WILL THE MADNESS END?!?!?!

They aren't... they are wearing whatever the character wears... I hate to have to be the one to break this to you, the world doesn't revolve around your dick.

Though those creepy pervs would totally think “they arent real so it’s totally okay to grab em, right?!"

Like you've ever seen real ones.

If you looked up "that guy" in the dictionary and the dictionary had pictures of things it would be your picture.

No you were right the first time. Fuck their PR, a concentration camp is a concentration camp.

Can I have your leftover booze? I'll trade you some toilet paper.

No one is accusing him of literally making the virus. He isn’t Umbrella Corp’in it up in here. For one thing neither he or his stooges are nearly smart enough for that. What they are accurately pointing out is his response to the virus has been absolute shit in every meaningful way, and there is no sign of that

I'll play a free game if they give me money.