
I work at a nursing home. So yeah. I get it, it's important to keep this out of there, but this is just an idiotic way to go about it.

That's good advice, thank you.

I have been chided for being protective by older family members as well. My works current policy is mandatory temp checks before you clock in and anything above what they consider normal is a mandatory immediate ER visit to get tested. At which point I will immediately resign and get a new job after I get checked out

I’ll believe it when I see it. My work now has mandatory temp checks before you can start working and if you are even slightly above normal you are supposed to go immediately to the ER and not come back till you have a doctors all clear. I guess if my temp goes up I’m just looking for a new job because I’ll be dicked

Of course he'd care. He can't bang her if she's sick.

Even Jesus wouldn't forgive this shit.

This show is rude to humanity. You should be thanking them for sparing you any conceivable drive to watch it.

It's clearly time to just burn it all down.

It certainly helps and not supporting them at all guarantees it.

No, we get it, if you ever actually had to stand up for your morals you’d fold faster than a 7-2 offsuit, that’s hardly a valid reason to criticize someone else for sticking with theirs.

How is financially supporting a restaurant you want to stay open an odd approach? 

Lol the government could help small business. That’s hilarious. They are more likely to give the tax breaks to whoever can buy the failing business, tear it down, and turn it into a prison camp to throw people with Corvid into when trump inevitably makes it illegal unless you are rich.

Bcause fuck sticking to your personal morals and self respect, amiright?

Whaaaat? Who could have possibly predicted this senile moron wouldn’t be able to handle the absolute bare minimum crisis management of reading some god damn words someone else wrote for his idiot ass into a fucking camera? Oh yeah, literally anyone with two working brain cells. Trump voters need not apply.

Thats kind of disappointing. Like its cool for what it is, but it’s going to be expensive if its build around electronics, and I just hoped for regular sets and Mario Minifigs.

This is something more than one person has dedicated brain cells to caring about? 

So you suck at taking care of a cat so you think you are qualified to give cat owners “advice” so you can get a kickback. Classy.

So you suck at taking care of a cat so you think you are qualified to give cat owners “advice” so you can get a

I just saw someone on reddit’s unpopular opinion saying coghing into your elbow is pointless and you should just use your hands. No amount of explaining that that is not an opinion, it is scientifically proven nonsense would sway them. I hope that person gets hit by a bus before they get the chance to spread anything.

It's not like trump put some anti-science bible thumper in charge of dealing with it or anything... oh wait.

“because we are going to continue to isolate and hurt you. Thanks for the tuition suckers!"