
You know what the statistics say also doesn’t lead to eternal marriage? MARRIAGE, YOU STUPID GARBAGE PERSON. 

Good reality tv? Are we pretending that's a thing? Kind of like saying the chalupa isn't healthy Taco Bell. 

It’s always fun to ask a bible thumper if God is both all powerful and infalliblely benevolent why do kids still get raped? 

No, it is not their job to watch people undress, and yes, you are the stupid one. 

Oh so a clothing store employee can just invite themselves into the dressing room while you are trying on their clothes? A restaurant owner can just follow you into the stall to watch you shit in their toilet? I know you are just an idiot troll and I’m only responding because it won’t bring you out of the grey where

Dude, the only mystery is why you think your weird dangerous dick measuring contest makes you a hero. Just admit your fragile ego can’t handle being beaten by a woman and move on with your most likely relatively short life.

And then the costumer was immediately fired and put in prison, right? Please say yes.

I don’t understand why you differentiated this guy and trump supporters. Are we really going to pretend there is a difference?

And you know who keep trying to put their nasty ass hands on my 10 month old child? Fucking old people. They do not care. I don’t know why people think that shit is acceptable at the best of times, but now? With this going on? I’ve stopped being polite about it. I looked a wrinkly old woman dead in the eyes as she

By eating them all first and then not bothering to do this dumb thing.

Yeah let me just waste my life doing this over and over or hey I’ve got this chip clip over here that cost an entire ten cents and isn’t absurd and stupid.

And I just dismissed you again, idiot.

So you bought him a game he isn’t old enough to buy, let him play the game he isn’t old enough to play all day, and then took him out to drive a car he isn’t old enough to drive. Good job, you did the exact wrong thing 100% of the time.

Ah yes, that traditional native american surname Ennamorati. I mean it’s not like someone whose ancestors weren’t from america would tell someone to go back to their country, right?

And that she’s a bitch.

Except, you know, asteroids are... real?

Well it’s good to see they are keeping up the tradition of these remakes being unnecessary at best, complete garbage at worst. Can’t wait to see how they screw up The Hunchback of Notre Dame. I’m assuming they remove any suggestion a man of the cloth would kill and/or rape people and hes just taking care of Quasimodo,

No because you are correct. "Any means" will never be as interesting as a legit playthrough, because at the end of the day you might as well just rewrite the code to include a "win" option at the main menu and say you beat it in one second.

Whaaaaat a guy in his twenties enjoys a show that came out 21 years ago? Nooooo. Seriously what is this stupid garbage hit piece? He’s sad for living in the basement of the house he bought FOR his mother? Not nearly as sad as some aging jealous blogger shitting on someone more successful them while hypocritically

I honestly can’t tell if it’s a deliberate dig at Obama to wank off orange julius or just pure brain damage talking? It’s truly baffling.