
And hypothetically if they did set up these parent boards and the parent boards then decided they don’t give a shit? You going to make a grandparent board and throw the parents in with the librarians in jail if they dare to let someone read to their kids? How far does your homophobia stretch shitbags?

“Should turn out"? Is she implying fraud is only bad if you get caught? Is she apologizing that she didn't get away with it? Criminals being caught is exactly how crime should turn out ya scumbag!

That cup-a-soup one reminds me of a certain Ebenezer Scrooge line...

She forgot “prevaricator? pathological liar? phony? perjurer?"

Here’s a crazy idea, just... don't? Any of it? Just don't.

Seriously it literally ruined the story. We get it writer, you're greedy, way to completely miss the point.

That's also what I say about setting Harvey Weinstein on fire. Oh wait no, that’s painful AND necessary.

Yeah, we aren’t the paranoid rednecks that see terrorists in every brown person. Which is extra ironic because chances are if he did run into a terrorist it would look a whole lot like him.

No, a shithead brought a gun strapped to an 11 year old girl. Nothing shows you're a responsible guardian like trying to use the child in your care as a political prop. 100% fuck this guy forever. 

Shantae and 50% of a good Sonic game? Sweet.

There is nothing bad ass about being in a science denying cult of dumbasses.

Flat earthers do harm to everyone with their science denying garbage. It's a direct link to anti-vaxxing.

Good. The only tragedy is more flat earthers weren't on it.

That’s weird, I thought daddy was against lotteries. Guess it doesn't count when it's for getting to kill stuff. 

It's awfully generous of you to just say front teeth.

I would say I wonder what beautiful human being he is the left over DNA of, but lets face it, he makes Dani Devito look like Chris Hemsworth, so there couldn’t possibly be someone hot enough to make up that difference.

I don’t understand why anyone would choose to support a backwards brained cul... sorry, “religion” that is directly antagonistic to the perfectly natural way you were born. 

Oh look, a moron.

That where they play argument is truly wild. Isn’t where they play... the federations fault? The players aren’t picking that shit out. They are literally saying “Well since we already don’t treat them equally we shouldn’t have to pay them equally either.”

Of course we all know the victims of bullying share equal responsibility with the bully. If she didn’t want to be accurately described she shouldn’t have dressed that way. Am I doing it right?