
And another point against there being an all powerful benevolent God, another day goes by, another life ruined, and that disgusting orange shit has yet to be smited.

Here’s the only tip you need, sell them on Ebay, buy a better set of headphones at half the price, and pocket the rest.

If that is what she says outloud imagine how fucked up her private thoughts must be. 

The chainsaw was the first thing to come to wind when dumb controllers was mentioned. Also those NES joysticks shaped like Bart Simpson and the Terminator. 

Behind every spociety that figured out it’s not okay to look the other way as children get raped. You seem real proud considering you are the one arguing there is still some leeway on that idea.

The problem with this assumption is the idea that their knickers are ever untwisted. They are in a constant state of twist, anymore twisting and they are libel to have severe structural failure.

Triad sounds so much better than... ugh.. throuple. A triad sounds powerful. Throuple sounds like something you are embarrassed to ask your doctor about. It also subtly suggests the base “couple” is the normal, the correct, and this is some perversion. Triad doesn’t give a shit. A triad is three from the ground up.

I’m sorry but if this surprises you I’d make an appointment to get your brain checked out ASAP. It’s like being surprised the bread you put in the toaster turned into toast.

That horse left, went to college, got a steady job in middle management, met a nice girl horse, settled down and had a couple foals, raised them, retired, and took up model rocket building as a hobby it left so long ago.

I mean it worked when they elected a black president and all the racism went away right? Why shouldn’t it work for this?

When you’re already a few decades behind where you should be, I’m not sure just now “getting there” is good enough.

And you know who they will meet there? Who will be ruling over that dark pit? FUCKING AUTOPLAYING BROKEN ASS VIDEOS YOU CAN’T FUCKING PAUSE.

Fuck her. Let’s talk about the dude with the kick ass beard back there instead. Got a real Negan, Rock n roll Santa thing going on. I dig it.

I remember not being able to call into tv sweepstakes because we still had a rotary phone.

How is this distraction free? I’d be playing with that fucker 24/7.

I’ve never seen a trump plane before and I literally threw up in my mouth.

This is just... deeply unsettling.

“The scientific evidence for the efficacy of vaccination is irrelevant.”

That’s bullshit and you know it, because you know what would get your kid taken away? Refusing to let them wear a seatbelt because they “don’t believe in them” despite all the scientific evidence and common fucking sense it could save their life. That, like anti-vaxx, is child abuse. Period.

In jail, on fire, whichever.