
By all means explain what’s worse for a child than death? A noose is exactly what you are putting around every kids neck you leave in the care of an anti-vaxx abuser.

That “mother” should thrown in a deep dark well with no food, along with every abusive fuck in that group. How this shit isn’t legally child abuse yet is mind boggling, and these murderers will keep killing kids until it is. 

Whaaaat drump using lies on facebook for his own gain? Noooooooo

Why is she dressed like a Harry Potter villain?

Fuck that, when Cosby dies he doesn’t even deserve his name on the gravestone, just RAPIST in glow in the dark letters.

To ironcially paraphrase Mr. Scrooge, good, then die already and decrease the surplus population of billionaires.

Maybe. My own personal light at the end of the tunnel is the knowledge that that orange fuck is going to die, maybe not nearly soon enough but it’s still coming, and no amount of money or lies can stop it. Hopefully on video so it can be remixed with hilarious sound effect and a jaunty tune.

When everything is darkness the smallest hope can be a lifeline, literally for some people.

Fucking cowards.

Lol you think kotaku is a place for debate? Look at how the entire comment section is set up. It’s an echo chamber almost worse than some reddits of ill repute.

All of those have also been used as derogatory against people, soooooo....

Is arguing against yourself the only way you win? It seems to be your only tactic.

That’s not short hand, it’s just the definition.

Nope. This is stupid. Savage is in no way related to people here, you aren’t colonizing shit, you are collecting resources on a planet full of nature that will violently kill you without remorse. It is the literal textbook definition of savage. This is nothing but buzzfeed false controversy clickbait.

Ever gone to see a movie? Sports game? Concert? You gave money to a millionaire.

“Sorry our app is shit, isn’t our shitty app great?”

This place is basically buzzfeed jr anymore. Content, journalistic integrity, none of that matters, just getting them clicks.

If only there was a modern version of the game where bullshit like this wasn't an issue... oh wait

Is almost like they are doggedly sticking to an inferior game because they are a bunch of stuck up assholes. Almost.

Nah, he’d just call it oceanfront property and hike the price for the people he forces to stay there. Scuba gear is of course an extra fee.