  • Pick-axe swinging

See above.

I always buy a bunch of bananas fully intending to eat them all, then suddenly it’s a week later and there’s only two missing. But then I get to make banana bread so it’s kind of a win win.

Compared to the blatant racism I would expect them to give her, an unhealthy dose of pettiness is almost refreshing.

It would be nothing but old playboys and MAD magazines.

Good for him. And now I assume him and anyone he’s ever looked at have been banned.

That is some next level stupidity. He’s lucky they didn’t start the conversation with a good tazing.

Sure, if the opinion of a climate denying illiterate dumbass mattered. Thankfully it doesn’t.

I really can’t see them doing “evil” Cap in anything less than an Avengers movie

I believe in the comics she actually does have some form of the super soldier serum.

Yeah but those things don’t kill kids.

If you are "unsure" about vaccines you should have your kids taken away. Period. There is no gray area here. There are the facts that vaccines are safe and necessary and then there are liars, that's it. Not getting your kids vaccinated is child abuse.

It took you a month to come up with a response and it’s just a lie. Either that or you just can’t read. You’re stupidity is astounding.

it’s reprehensible and lazy. It doesn’t take “a lot of work” to write poop jokes.

I could agree if it wasn’t for one episode that makes the entire thing absolutely worthless. Almost worst than worthless, almost malicious, and that is the episode that mirrors anti-vaxx ideology and teaches kids anti-science bullshit. It literally says its unamerican to be scientific. So for that they can go fuck

The nomad over the lynx? The DSi on there at all? This list is jank.

There is nothing incredible, strong, or intelligent about this entire administration. 

Why? Because teen titans go taught them they can slap the name of a vaguely recognizable franchise on any lazy garbage and make assloads of money.

No one with half a brain cared what you said when you were the mouthpiece of the most powerful dumbass in the world, why would anyone care what you think when you are letting your own thoughts slough out of that lie hole?

I’m glad someone said it.