
And continuing it is shooting ourselves in the head.


So if the vast majority of people and simple common sense tell you you’re wrong you must be right? How’s it feel pulling logic straight from the anti-vaxx and flat earthers playbook?

Because their “counter point” is probably nonsense so being petty is all they have.

Or the actual reality, this is stupid and so are you.

Hey good job, you’ve proven yourself a better writer than whoever over at Jezebel decided waxing poetic was more important that the most absolute basic fact checking. I can only assumed they just skimmed the BBC article, caught the name “Cleveland” in there and just ran with it.

As opposed to eating live animal meat?

No they didn’t. Words mean things. If you are going to make a new thing don’t half ass it, make a new word for that thing, don’t just use a word that is very specifically not the thing you made. 

Apparently anything within an hour and a half drive of Cleveland is honorary Ohio.

You’d think if they are going to copy an article from the BBC they could at least copy the correct headline as well.

Seriously I read it like three times trying to figure this out. It’s an “Ohio” walmart because it’s some distance from Cleveland? Everything is some distance from Cleveland! Does that make the Eiffel tower an Ohio landmark because it’s 3912 miles east of Cleveland?

Y’all know Pennsylvania isn’t Ohio... right? Was it just too many letters for you to type or what?

This is the first I’ve heard of this and frankly I’m appalled at Netflix. This womans garbage is a scam at best when not outright dangerous (vaginal steaming? Really?). She’s barely a step above anti-vaxxers.

So two boxes. It comes in two boxes and one is hard to open.

God just die already you beta-carotene shit stain. 

It doesn’t matter who’s money you spent, that you knowingly gave it to these snake oil scam artist should be a crime and you should be in jail right next to Gwyneth.

I guarantee you most of them would say something about hangers and vacuums.

Alternative title:

I can’t be the only one that feels the brand new knowledge that something called Pottery Barn Teen exists is far more newsworthy than whatever this spoiled brat is doing...

And preferably don’t come back because you don’t deserve to be in polite society.