
Turn A will always have a special place in my heart. Farewell you beautiful person.

If that’s the point then that should be the headline. As it is the article should be two words long. Why is there no male birth control yet? “There is.” Done. This could be solved as easily as adding “pill” to the headline but that wouldn’t draw as many clicks.

Oh please, you made a burner account just to say that. You’re a coward. Don’t pretend like you would ever actually show your face to spread your particularly pathetic brand of hate.

Oh this ones easy. Who cares, fuck kanye.

Being against racism isn’t a political issue numbnuts, so it’s not “politically correct.” It’s just CORRECT. Vaccinate your kids, the Earth isn’t flat, and racism is bad, these are concepts anyone with two working brain cells should be able to figure out.

If you read this article and think "he was possibly a difficult individual” no one cares about your opinion.

1/10, hardly original but at least logically consistent. 

1/10, hardly original but at least logically consistent. 

0/10, absolutely no effort. You can do better.

0/10, absolutely no effort. You can do better.

Sounds like someone got lice from unwashed jammies.

Sounds like someone got lice from unwashed jammies.

Delete this article. If you are stupid enough to wear not only pajamas but literally any clothing without washing it first you deserve what you get. Hell dont stop there, remove all the warning labels, let Darwin fix our broken species.

Delete this article. If you are stupid enough to wear not only pajamas but literally any clothing without washing it

Yeah I’m absolutely going to “@” over that bullshit. I realize the chances of this ever making it out of the greys is slim but it’s got to be said, it’s incredibly shitty of you to lump all the youtubers who have undeniably done good with this one garbage person. If millions of dollars worth of charity work isn't a

Thats weird, this website was all kinds of pro-cheating in this game before, now that its reached it's only logical conclusion it's almost like you're implying cheating is a bad thing. So weird and not hypocritical at all.

But if it’s a clone like everyone thinks it’s entirely possible it was artificially aged to 50 without getting any mental development and it’s only just now figuring stuff out.

So you're rebuttal to my fact that very few cameras have been hacked is the lie that most of them have been? And you think I need a therapist? You are the one with legit paranoid delusions.

Look, it’s hard to fake a smile knowing there are packs of roving windmills mercilessly hunting down bald eagles and no one can stop them but you.

What part of record breaking do you not understand?

I know this will never make it out of the greys but it’s got to be said, this is super misleading. You make it sound like this is some special version of Ticket to Ride, it’s not, it’s just the regular base game (and going by the reviews possibly a counterfeit and/or inferior version???). There is no “non-enabled

I know this will never make it out of the greys but it’s got to be said, this is super misleading. You make it sound

Trump supporters: “he’s such a shrewd businessman.

I would stage an intervention if i found out any of my friends paid real money for any of these garbage moviebundles that at best has one decent movie like an intact corn kernel in a diarrhea soup.

I would stage an intervention if i found out any of my friends paid real money for any of these garbage moviebundles

He says, saying an objectively stupid thing. Do I even need to point out how copying pictures from a cloud service probably IS a password issue and has absolutely nothing to do with “hacking” a camera, much less “from their phones”? That painfully stupid thing aside, something doesn’t have to be true every time to be