
I’ll always remember how skeeved out I was when the last of our friend group turned 18 so we all went to the local dive strip joint only to be told you have to be 21, but the one girl in our group could go in if she wanted to dance. Shockingly that place would later get shut down for prostitution.

Did you even read the article or just skip right to being a dick in the comments? I'm going to guess the latter. 

Our local one is now a half Family Video half CBD dispensary. I've heard worse business ideas.

Donald Trump doesn’t even want to hear about nude photos of Donald Trump.

Once apon a time the same was said about Trump.


Who else is not at all surprised Musk would be buddy buddy with fellow well know asshole Edward Norton?

I must be in the minority because literally lassoing lightning is when I was reminded this is a DC movie and that’s not good thing. Everything else I liked, that just looked dumb.

Weird how she didn’t take his last name, I can’t imagine why...

I mean, I’m sure I could come up with a few, but being a garbage movie that is grossly disrespectful of the dead would not be among them.

You can have wrong opinions all you want but words mean things and it's a disservice to language to call that banana putrid. 

This is 100% patently false. If that were true this very case never would never have made it to jury, and the outcome was not “tweets aren’t libel,” it was “this particular tweet is too vague to be libel.” A quick google search shows at least one person has been successfully sued for a REtweet, so no, you’re not

I'm glad I'm not the only one truly boggled by this.

Absolutely nothing about this has anything to do with free speech. There is a big difference between free speech and libel. You know libel is already illegal and has been for hundreds of years right? Libel is not "calling someone a shitty name." It is publishing a false statement to try and ruin someone's life. A

So you can’t see how a very powerful person accusing you of child rape might cause some issues?

Week? I would be surprised if this wasn’t a twice a day event.

So what I’m getting from this is that trump takes huge messy shits and doesn’t know how to wipe himself so his hands get so caked in crap to where they need to be power washed off. Leader of the free world ladies and gentlemen. 

Remember that episode of Doctor Who with ninja monks and werewolves? Kind of, not really? I think this episode is destined to be that of the Mandalorian in a few years. The one you forget exists until you are going back through and rewatching them.

Who could have ever guessed someone with a harambe handle would be an immature dick. Oh yeah, everyone.

See, NOW I’m calling you an asshole, but only because you deserve it. Asshole.