
This is designed exactly like those Popoff “god needs your twenty bucks!” scam letters.

You... you don’t even remember what your original argument is do you?

I “won” by just being right in the first place. You being perfectly happy to eat a steak covered in shit does not invalidate my point, but it does explain why you think it would.

Remember when no one but you cares? That you would unironically respond with this is hilarious, pathetic, but hilarious, so thanks for that.

Shouldn’t you be off being creepily obsessed with who does and doesn't push your cute little stars?

There would have to be an argument for me to deflect it.

Man shit eater, you’ve moved those goal posts so far, can you even see them anymore? But keep pretending your childish insults make your non-argument any more valid if it makes you feel better.

His heart stopped beating years ago, he's powered by pure racism and grease now.

Always got to be ready for a quick takeoff incase KFC starts a new promotion. You think it's a coincidence they were covering their crap in cheetos?

“Hunter Biden" is such a douchey name.

You consider this masterbatory gatekeeping comment system “open”?

TFW you care about stars.

It’s literally the center of the analogy, you are the one claiming human shit tastes fine as long as it’s free.

Wow you really like eating shit, huh?

You got me curious so I had to look it up, Mountain Dew Code Red has been out for 18 fuckin years. Them shits can vote.

If she was as petty as you this would have gotten dismissed. 

Because what this blog needs is to be even more of an echo chamber? r/the_donald is jealous of how bigoted this comment system is.

Still sucking Zacks dick I see.

Bone spurs in chief waxing poetic about how easy it would be to start a war is enough to give me a stroke but I refuse to go out before that piece of shit.

Sure, you go ahead and enjoy your free steak covered in human feces, I’ll just be over here still being right.