
At what point is her refusal to impeach enough grounds to have her removed and replaced with someone that will do their damn job?

My analogy is just fine, you can replace chef and steak with any profession and what they produce and it will still be just as true, if I have to give over monetary payment has absolutely no bearing, and you can’t judge x job because you aren’t an x” will never be a good argument.

That would be a weird thing for me to do, I have no intention of being a writer. I also have no intention of being a chef, but if one took a crap on my steak i think I'd be justified in complaining about their quality of work.

None of my posts claim I am a writer or try to pass off a Facebook post as an article on a gaming blog.

Ironically that little sad fantasy you wrote shows you are far more qualified to call yourself a writer than he is. I would gladly read more of your work.

You aren't funny. You are one of the biggest reasons this site has gone to shit. Calling yourself a writer is an insult to writers.


You forgot the “fiction” after science cause that stuff you just said is a bold faced lie.

Did I just miss it or at no point does it say you can actually, you know, BUY toys at this Toys R Us?

Of course he’ll still have rally’s. They will call it something like... oh I dont know, the Kool Komrads Koalition.

Yes you! You are the anybody dumb enough to do that, you sharpie sniffing wannabe daughter fucker! 

You forgot to switch back to your other account after recommending yourself before commenting. 

To answer your last question, him and his 16 other accounts.

Would me lighting his house on fire because of his views count as "due to climate change"? Hypothetically of course.

There’s being prepared and then there is paranoia. I worry you have crossed that line.

Fuck off Elon

“There was also a distinct aroma of lavender and cheap vodka."

Fuck off milo. You look like what would come out if you chucked a bottle of spray tan and a keg of Jagermeister into the machine that makes hotdogs.

Even furries have no interest in his horse shit.