
Thank you for proving my point. Dismissed!

Another one for the “guilty even when proven innocent” hate train. It’s no wonder this country is going to shit.

Stop spreading lies. 

So you are admitting you think pedophilia is only a slightly shitty thing to do. Again, who does that look bad for?

Alternatively, innocent person is railroaded by lies and shitty blog is more than happy to use it for clicks.

You get out of here with your logic and facts, this is no place for that garbage!

Lliterally none of that is based in reality.

No because that isn't true. Try watching the video.

No it isn't, yes he did, you clearly didn't even watch the video.

I don’t see any proof here. It's almost like you couldn't back up your claim. Lots of people are tricked easily, and being a hypocritical snarky ass won’t change that you are one of them.

She can and did.

No it isn’t. It’s about how she CAN and DID you MORON. Because unlike dotard in chief she hasn’t declared her PERSONAL TWITTER an OFFICIAL MEANS OF COMMUNICATION. YELLING IS ALL IDIOTS LIKE YOU UNDERSTAND.

Wow, so now she’s a damsel in distress and if someone doesn’t save her she isn’t allowed to defend herself, she has to run away or just take it. Heres a crazy idea, SHE COULD BLOCK THEM. What is wrong with you?

By directly quoting them?

I would love to see Heidi's evidence that is as solid as what Jared presented.

So you’re solution for a women of color being harassed by racists is to remove HER. Is that your “final” solution?

This goes from false equivalence to outright lies. It was an open marriage and his wife is the one that suggested he tell Holly how he felt. How can that possibly be cheating? Because now that she's vindictive because he got away from HER abuses she says it is? And unlike her claims he had the word of a third part

He has proof one of them lied about their age, and there is absolutely no proof from anyone the other conversation ever even happened. How is he supposed to have "receipts for their age" from someone he probably never even spoke to?

How else am I supposed to interpret your comment? If not being a pedophile doesn't move the shittiness scale for you who else does that reflect on?

Proven? Alright, go ahead and show your proof. Meanwhile I’m sure his fictional victims are glad to have your thoughts and prayers.