
Lets set aside you being an obvious troll for a second and explore what that dumb thing you said even means. Was AOC supposed to “leave” her personal twitter? 

Are murder and pedophilia not both horrible crimes? And no he didn’t. AND, once again, there is no “underage aspect.”

This right here? This is what people do when the evidence doesn't support their opinion.

Can we get a real reporter to cover this? Maybe someone that wasn't so giddy to burn him in the first place that can actually give an unbiased take? No? I didn't think so.

I don't really care, if it's anything like the people I was replying to it's not an opinion based in reality. Your comments are still nonsense.

No, the evidence he presented does.

You are only proving me right. He proved the pedophile accusations where false. His second tumblr wasn’t secret. His wife DID know about it. How about his wife threatening suicide when he tried to end their marriage, what conclusion does your history of abuse come to with that? That this happened was confirmed by a

He never had sex with a fan. He didn’t “go through” anyone. You people want to tear him down but refuse to get even the basic facts correct. It’s sickening. Go ahead and dismiss me and call me an "incel," you'll just be proving me right.

Thats fine, just don't also pretend like you get a valid say in the matter. You don't.

You are correct. Dr. Disrespect actually did the garbage thing he was accused of. This is an innocent man defending himself.

Well balanced individuals do not threaten suicide to keep their marriage together.

This person is outright lying to you, do not fall for it.

That is a stupidly flagrant lie. His tublr hasn’t exist for years and tumblr doesnt allow ANY porn anymore. You clearly have no idea what you are talking about, your prejudice is showing.

You’ve clearly shown with this and your other comments how prejudiced and unreasonable you are. There is obviously no reason to attempt rational discourse here.

I'm starting to think English isn't your first language...

“Guilty even if proven innocent." Classy.

So you think the marriage issues that never should have been anyone's business and a consenting adult doing adult things with other consenting adults were the bulk of the shittiness, not the falsely accused pedophilia? That says more about you than him.

If only you and all the people like you would just watch the video instead of continuing to shit on an innocent man.

“Wannabe rockstar”? So your take is that he just wasn’t famous ENOUGH to be a consenting adult doing adult things with other consenting adults. Cool.

It's not apology, its proof the accusations against him were lies. If I accused you of a murder you didn't commit would you apologize for murder?