
It’s called literal fascism you stupid fucking racist.

I wish I knew. Not knowing really gets under my skin.

Hey racist, shouldn’t have to explain that “muh racism” doesn’t have a lot of meaning when said by an actual racist, you stupid fucking racist.

Even at literal face value he just straight up said Democrats don’t belong in America. Like he’s not even trying to hide his fasicm anymore?

To be fair the first of those three things would not only stop the third one, it would make the world a better place in general. 

I honestly couldn’t tell you her policy on a single thing other than telling the truth, of which she is staunchly opposed.

Where’s kotakus article on ProJareds video? Y’all were pretty quick to report on the false allegations against him...

If I had to guess? Filling his diaper. 


Hey they “deserve” that handicap spot, it took a lot of work to eat McDonalds every day and avoid anything even resembling exercise, and they will tell you all about it just as soon as their son gets back to the van with a motorized cart.

So its "brave" to run against someone you claim everyone knows is an idiot that you helped put in the White House in the first place? Yeah you can go ahead and fuck right off you racist prick.

Seriously what is going on what that top picture? Everyone looks normal except the dotard who looks like one of those dogs shoving their noses into a fish eye lens.

At least he's consistent.

“We'll tax their wine" does this idiot know anything besides stereotypes?

Lol that's funny, like anyone else would even get a piece.

I don't see how, it's usually something I do at work so I'm not logged in, unless its specific to the computer then that would imply a bunch of nurses are searching for... oooooohhhhh

Even imagining what the scum at a certain quarantined sub Reddit are saying about this makes me vomit in my mouth.

That's a weird way to say "because he's racist and so am I."

He majored in bone spurs.