
Remember how trump was going to make all his dumbfuck redneck white trash supporters get more money in their paychecks?

Not only do you not have a place in this or any other industry, you don’t have a place in any decent society. Sorry you were born 300 years too late to own people, you plastic face water baby doll full of cheap vodka looking ass.

Or "victim complex"

People that aren’t racist.

People never understand Monopoly was intended as criticism, you aren’t supposed to be happy when one asshole gets a lucky break and forces all the poorer people to go bankrupt.

Good riddance.

Yes, that is a perfect example of something you said that we can not give a shit about because of your blatant racism. If you want to change that, stop saying shit like "the blacks" and claiming all black people are poor so it's okay to discriminate against them, you racist fuck.

I’m not the thought police, you can say whatever you want, but then everyone else can call you racist and not give a shit about your opinion of your fellow racists, like trump.

In I’m sure unrelated news droves of Mesa Community College students suddenly asking for refunds. Many are quoted as saying “I ain’t going in debt the rest of my life for this shit.”

Just going to ignore you’re blatant racism and answer the only relevant portion of your only relevant question;

Up to and including these hollow words. She’s one if his alleged abusers so this is more than likely nothing more than her trying to wring some more cash out of his name.

Its a really weird thing to say in general, what was his work for the first 50 years before the MCU if not commodities? 

Is she under the impression her father’s work wasn’t a commodity before they started making movies about them? Who really cares what an alleged abuser says to a scummy tabloid anyway?

Calling them “the blacks” and saying all black people are poor isn’t helping your idiot, racist case, you idiot racist. You want a document? How about title viii of the civil rights act that makes it illegal to discriminate renting based on race. The law him and his scumbag father flagrantly broke.

OR... or... trump being a piece of shit doesn't make an accurate account of his shittiness a hit piece, just factual. If all you want is "alternative facts" look elsewhere. 

There isn't enough energy in the universe to even pretend to be shocked by this "revelation."

Not before Occam’s, which says the guy that has gotten in legal trouble for repeatedly being racist is most likely just a fucking racist, you idiot stooge.

Waitwaitwait... this can’t do anything but answer questions with questions because he knows giving even one honest answer will prove how stupid he is dipshit thinks he’s a writer? That is truly hilarious.

Stop talking to yourself.

I don't have enough stars to give.