
The meager illusion of grace, and a sweet ass.” Trump, probably.

And everyone else in the morgue.

Yes, your rhetoric brings people together, in the morgue, after one of your disciples guns them down. You better hope karma isn't real you festering orange turd.

Their blood is on your hands, Fucker.

Do you think it even crosses his mind how pathetic it is he has to constantly reply to his own comment because he knows if he replies to anyone else's he will just be dismissed as the troll he is? ...nah probably not.

You could have just said yes.

You literally just assaulted someone, and acting like it was entirely the boozes fault puts you firmly in the “fuck you forever” pile. Videogame tournaments are not your future wife, they aren’t going to wear lots of makeup and pretend “he’s really a nice guy when he doesn’t drink.

Fall in a hole and die Candice Keller.

I'm sure he’ll send his deepest thoughts and prayers to Grant Morrisons family.

Trump better keep her name out of his disgusting tiny mouth and his cursed tweet box.

Also the guy from Penny Arcade.

“I don’t understand, its not like it was around his neck.” -Some idiot.

Quite possibly the baddest of takes.

She's a therapist. She's making money from our broken system. End of mystery.

Do you see everything in black and white? “This person has issues with epic” to “this person supports death threats.” is a hell of a leap to make my dude.

He just thinks that because he's a white supremacist and isn't right in the head.

It wouldn't matter. Hell it would probably boost their ratings. Hate speech is exactly what its viewers want.

Can’t wait that long anymore, too big big of a risk of another shooting happening, and then they might miss someone with their thoughts and prayers. Can't have that.

Whelp, it’s happened. The current administration and their flunkies have become so evil they make Galvatron look like the good guy.

No, the population chose someone else, it just didn’t matter.