
Don't worry, the racism is pretty much automated at this point. Leaves a lot more time for lies.

“Lamestream media”

JFC. I just wanted to make a joke about the McElroy’s lawyer getting in contact but that was so stupidly long now this, like I assume every other comment, is just a comment about how stupidly long this not that funny to start with joke was dragged out.

I mean... it is trump they are trying to cconvince...

Fuck term limits, these political neanderthals need breathing limits, and every last one of them has used up their share.

Shhh these articles aren't about facts, it's about feeding the bandwagon.

Man you you really hate cosmetic skins that don’t effect the game in absolutely any way. You know that is the hill you’re choosing to die on here, right? But I’m sure warframe doesn’t have anything like that.

Here comes all the sarcastic assholes to proclaim a game they've never played is bad and bad things can never get better. Don't forget to get your pats on the head so you feel justified in your worthless opinion.

It's simple. The meek lost. The scumbags inherited the earth.

That’s when he handed over the I.O.U. for one firstborn son.

Please, it’ll be a miracle if these toolbags don’t cheat on each other before the honeymoon is over. Probably in a shitty Trump hotel.

Like, yeah, fuck Trump and these people, that goes without saying, but also how tacky do you need to be to have your wedding at a golf course? 

I’m going to pretend the word “former” not being in this asshats job description was just an accident so I’m not pushed just a little bit closer to an aneurysm of pure rage.

Dear Fox dumbfuck, your president is not America, and as for actual American ideals, this country was literally founded on the principal of telling it’s leader to go fuck himself when he got out of line.

I can confirm that Riverbend in Cincinnati did in fact give out free water, along with allowing unlimited amounts of bottled waters to be brought in.

Remember when Mr. Burns thought blocking out the sun was a threat?

I feel like he was jerking it the entire time he made this and he doesn’t deserve sympathy for making a bad thing.

Dnot forget to make the ass armor a thong. You know, for protection.

Strong lead character that just happens to be female? Nah fuck that make her armor a thong. Fuck this noise, Samus doesn't need your shit take.

Ok so you are just generally a moron. “They better not” lol THEY ALREADY DID DUMBFUCK, IT’S LITERALLY WHAT THIS ARTICLE IS ABOUT.