
Is it just me or does “I can’t join you on Twitter” sound like that thing you say to blame the website when the weird uncle asks why you haven’t friended them yet and you really just don't want to.

Keep arguing the pro-videotaping a child pissing side. And yeah, shockingly when you break federal law, it’s a federal case. Do you not know what words mean?

Thats weird, you responded, but still haven’t included one single person that gives a shit about your pathetic crusade. It’s almost like they don’t exist.

In a world where you get to decide what I mean when I say something, sure, but I hate to break it to you, this ain’t that world.

You get out of here with your logic and common sense, these people need to be angry at all the fun they aren't having.

So not wanting to drink piss beer with shitheads is the end of civilization but keeping kids in cages till they die, that's cool? Go die in a fire.

The fact that you put those things on the same level as rape, children dying, and war, says so very much about you.

Wait, wait, I’ve figured it out. This is how they are trying to make people more religious. Because every day I hear more news that makes me wish I believed in hell so I knew these sick fucks would get what’s coming to them. “I don’t believe the allegations.” Congrats rat fucker, you’re the new holocaust denier.

I guarantee Dump will see this and say "See, I tried to buy them beds and look what happens, now it's YOUR fault I'm forcing these kids I stole to sleep on concrete."

So you couldn’t find any.

No, it wasn’t.

A third source accused McAleenan of jeopardizing the safety of ICE agents.”

I really don’t think that esque is necessary.

I am genuinly surprised these creeps and their buddies in blue didn’t “serve and protect” her to the bottom of a river somewhere before she managed to get this out there.

“We have the best, the greatest, crimes against humanity. No one is as soulless as us, no one. I have the most biggest crowd of dead children on my very big hands than any president, ever. Check the pictures. But if take pictures I’ll put you in jail.” -Donald Trump, probably.

It’s easy when you are racist scum that doesn’t see the baby as human. Every one of these fucks need to find a nice hot fire and die in it, starting with racist in chief the annoying orange.

I’m sorry did you just claim rape is only relevant during election years?

And you believe that so wholeheartedly you used your throwaway burner to say it, you god damn coward.

I 100% predict he will deny it by saying she’s too ugly for him to sexually assault, and suggest you have to be at least as sexy as his daughter to get pussy grabbed.

I am exactly gullible enough to fall for this.