
Of course. "Covfefe" isn't even in the dictionary.

I feel like it needs to be made clear there us absolutely no legal ramifications to "on/off the record." It's nothing but professional courtesy.

It must really suck to be so insecure you are physically incapable of turning down an interview while simultaneously psychologically incapable of going one day without admitting you either have or are perfectly willing to break the law.

Well you’re the first that wants to, and I’m pretty sure I could handle a 42 year old vaper with rotten child lung. Weird how being raised by good parents that don’t let children smoke lead to being a physically and mentally healthy person with friends and not a sad little death threat spewing hipster teen wannabe.

Lol nah I don’t wish death on anyone, I’m not a scumbag like you. I want you to live a long, sad, pathetic vaping life, because every day you still live is another day I have an undeniably better life than someone else on this planet. Unfortunately since I wasn’t dumb enough to start smoking when I was 10 or vape now,

Well let’s see I didn’t lie, so there’s that. And no, that’s not them saying they care about your sad little gatekeeping crusade. So go on, find one other person so pathetically attached to the color of their letters on this shit blog they have said one word about it. Something tells me you won’t find any.

No child, I said i didn’t save the comment you replied to, and that was true. No reasonable person would assume you were talking about random completely unrelated comments, again, not that it matters, because absolutely no one cares about this but you. And yes, there is plenty in my history to prove I didn’t make a

Can you imagine being so shit at your job it’s literally illegal, and then the idiots that put you there raising money for you to continue being illegally shit at your job? This country is so fucked.

No particular reason? Pay attention. You’re 42 and vape. That’s the reason. And not “others,” just you. Because you’re 42. And vape. Clearly you care what I think, otherwise you are the kind of person that wishes death on people for something they don't care about. That would almost be as fucked up as being 42 and

Please, PLEASE be satire.

Right? Even a couple million is more than enough to have a “comfortable” life, an entire life, without working a day. Tell the mom with three kids who’s husband died from his shit jobs shady practices and lawyered their way out of giving her a cent so now she’s had to drop out of school to work two fulltime minimum

Well let’s see, one of us started smoking when they were like 12, still thinks vaping is cool as an adult, and thinks wishing death is a suitable replacement for an actual comeback, the other one thinks that guy is a sad example of humanity. Yeah got to say the pathetic scales seem to balance towards the first one. I

The hell is an ox sandwhich? All I could find for a Delaware signature sandwich is something called the Bobbie that is literally just what everyone eats the day after thanksgiving.

Oh no you misunderstand, I’m not talking about vaping, it’s just the general miasma of pathetic that leaks from every one of your pores. I assume that's what "salt nic" is, I'm not teenage or stupid and pathetic enough to know.

While we are at it if you leave your shopping cart in the parking lot you deserve to be slowly devoured by carnivorous snails. I imagine there is a lot of crossover between these people and litterers.

And did looking 10 years younger resolve whatever underlying issues drove her to getting her face cut up? I doubt it. 

That’s got to be one of the biggest “no shit” headlines I’ve seen in awhile.

I’m sorry I couldn’t read that through the haze of pathetic a 42 year old vaper puts off. Shouldn’t you be out planking or ice bucket challenging like you think “the kids these days do”? Can't let that middlife crisis catch up!

So exactly how much are these scumbag companies paying you to shill for them?

No, its good news they quit smoking. If other teens see this and quit before their face literally explodes? Even better.