
Also: wouldn’t “the ultimate embodiment of role playing” mean including consequences for one’s actions, particularly ones established in the lore of the world?

So you just go and murder a whole camp one night and show up to herbology the next morning and everyone’s just okay? Fine not to have a morality system as they are rarely implemented interestingly enough to warrant their inclusion, but this will easily surpass GTA IV levels of ludonarrative dissonance. 

“This is the ultimate embodiment of role-playing; allowing the player to be evil. Additionally, this was important because it comes from a place of non-judgement by the game creators. If you want to be evil, be evil.”

Way too many nerds (i.e. more than 10, we’ll go with that) have become way too comfortable with being the cringiest, greasiest, most odious pillow-fuckers imaginable.

I can’t think of anything particularly obscure, but in light of Jeb talking about Reznor, I suppose it’s worth pointing out the oldie-but-goodie bit of trivia that in the English version of Chrono Trigger, Magus’s three generals are named Ozzie, Slash and Flea (and are clearly named after Ozzy Osbourne, Slash from

I was only reminded of Musk because of the “I have molded and created a legion of ass-kissing fanboys, and I am now a god.” level of arrogance/egotism I think a better comparison in relation to Yoshida’s words is Todd Howard and his “Just buy Skyrim”, no?

A bit of context, this was during a FFXIV Mahjong tournament livestream where he is just kind of just casually interacting with the JPN chat. Not a formal interview

Because he was asked. Anyone expecting a developer hired to make a PS5 exclusive game to answer this question with anything resembling “PC version incoming, so don’t feel the need to buy a PS5" is living in a different universe.

This guy was hired to make a PS5 game.  He was not hired to make, nor comment on, decisions to port the game to other platforms.  

just ignore it and it’ll pass over time”

It’s not really “looking for reasons” when Rowling has very publicly made those statements…but this is all spoken like someone who probably has never had to deal with comments like these directed and them. Must be nice. 

People aren’t “looking for reasons” to be angry. People are rightfully angry over transphobia, and this game is based on the franchise created by one of the world’s most visible transphobes. And fuuuuuuuuuck you and your stance of “ignore it and it’ll go away”. That’s not how social change works. The trans community

Surprised it took so long for both to appeal, which always seemed likely given how the braindead jury gave contradictory verdicts where both were deemed credible and not credible on the same incident of alleged violence.

I don’t think (?) that foreign judgments have preclusive effect over here, and this verdict is not going to be thrown out because of a venue issue (I don’t think, although that quote from Depp’s attorney is pretty damning on this issue). But yes, that this case ever even got to a jury is patently absurd.  There is

She’s being and been mistreated by the criminal justice system.  Are you not already aware of the many racial disparities in how people get treated in the criminal justice system, in large part because of perceptions about who is violent and aggressive and who is peaceful and law abiding?

should be a hotkey. One of the F buttons. Can press it anytime during dialogue when you’re getting bored.

Let’s patch this into other games, especially ones with pompous dialogue.

I think it’s silly all around, this stuff, but I also think a lot of core users deliberately blind themselves to just how popular programs like Genshin are. I have my own thoughts and feelings on gacha (bad, smelly, bad) but even if Mihoyo genuinely is trying to put their fingers on the scales I imagine most of the

The thing about Charles Martinet is I don’t think his usual performance is something I’d want to sit through for 80 minutes.

Yeah this isn’t stalking, but using the world so cavalierly is an odd choice.