True but I also think a breath of the wild is given more care since it is handled by Nintendo’s own in-house development teams rather than a separate studio that nintendo just owns, like Link’s Awakening or Hyrule Warriors.
True but I also think a breath of the wild is given more care since it is handled by Nintendo’s own in-house development teams rather than a separate studio that nintendo just owns, like Link’s Awakening or Hyrule Warriors.
I really think the pandemic put a huge dent in Nintendo’s plans to do a proper Switch Pro and it would address many of the largest criticisms against the platform. At this point it’s probably more likely a “Switch 2" will exist before the much rumored Switch Pro will.
Because it’s all actually incredibly tame and calling it “psychological torture” is dumb clickbait.
If you buy it on Switch and it runs like total crap, I think you are in the right, morally speaking, to download the ROM and emulate in on your deck instead.
I generally agree with this article, but as both a Deck and Switch owner, I’ve discovered that there are strengths of both.
I have the opposite experience.
Switch games generally just work well out of the box. Steamdeck games often have a bit of fiddling to get working. I love being able to play God of War on my deck (even if the controller isn’t great for it), but having to play with settings on it or having to fiddle with shit to get…
Good for her, happy she is in a better place in her life.
I really liked her in the first movie & it is very disappointing for Shuri to be anti-science
What’s particularly sick about Letitia’s stance in the context of Chadwick Boseman is that people undergoing chemo or radiation treatment for cancer, and cancer survivors are some of the commonest people to be suffering from immuno-deficiency - often for years after treatment, sometimes permanently - and thus they’re…
Hey Letitia, your antivax stance helped influence people’s decision to not get protection, and many literally died because of it. Your apology didn’t’ retract any of these views and amounted to yet another case of, “I’m sorry if you were offended” which everyone knows is total bullshit. Maybe if you don’t want to get…
Letitia may have apologized for her anti-vax comments but she never came out “pro” vaccine and is still not vaccinated.
That person is a racist troll just trying to stir shit up by impersonating another commenter. It should go without saying that they are also a coward and a huge fucking loser.
From the greys:
“No sympathy for ANYONE living in the right wing hellhole that people call Colorado. You are gambling with your life when you share space with murderous MAGAts, espcially if you are LGBTQ. Gathering at a gay club is basically taunting these unhinged cis white male terrorists. Fuck CO with a broken pool…
Sometimes summary sounds like satire.
This particularly stung because Sunday was Trans Remembrance Day.
Republicans: “We must protect our 2nd Amendment rights even though the US has daily mass shootings!”
I’m pretty sure Fox’s producers get the joke. It’s simply that this is easy content to twist around into the Outrage of the Day to keep their septuagenarian audience from changing the channel to Newsmax.
A right wing nut job tried to assassinate the Democratic speaker of the house thanks to years of conservative villianization, this is the latest in a string of anti-LGBTQ+ terror attacks. You see almost nothing about the latter in the mainstream news, and the media has avoided talking about the obvious influence of…
This is the Republican goal. They want queer people silenced and they want queer people dead. But hey what’s wrong with voting for fascists when they promise they’ll do something about gas prices and inflation?