
I see a gray response that I actually wanted to reply to but can’t for some reason, saying that the complaint is valid because she “ends up with Luka.” This is actually the problem. You aren’t measured on queerness by who you’re fucking when you cross the finish line. Her relationship with Jeanne doesn’t become

I am not a Disney adult who wants to wait in line to hug Mickey Mouse or wants to do the whole stealth dressing like character thing(Disney bounding). But I truly do consider theme park rides to be an art form that I am a huge fan of. I like to feel the immersion of the lands and the rides. Even enjoy a well designed

As a bi, there’s always a certain twinge of pain when a review basically boils down to “I hate this character if they aren’t a gold star lesbian like I wanted.”

Trust me: even if Jeanne was endgame, it would still be poorly received. Bayo3 is incredibly repetitive with its cutscenes and segments - what Isaiah described is literally the formula for every level. Its tone flails all around the place - the very prologue switches between grim tragedy and black comedy in a way that

Now playing

Surprised that there was no link to that fantastic Defunct land video:

This story is missing the really cool context: this episode all began with one Deviantart image by a Simpsons fan.

This is just so messy. She was definitely unclear, she made it sound like the 4000 were for all sessions as the main character (I double checked, assuming she had been misunderstood, but no, she definitely made it sound like that), and AFAIK didn’t mention the 10000 - 15000 value. This makes it clearer and actually

I get that read of it, but I think its more “look, I can’t say anything here due to an NDA, but I’m not a scab, my history and reputation should make that clear”.

I have heard several Devil’s Advocate arguments that are causing me to reexamine (note: not fully reverse) my sympathies for Hellena Taylor.

No they aren’t. Not treating contractors super well through 3rd party associates and a very minor and individualised sexual harassment story do not compare with a massive company wide sexist company culture that was wide-spread at every level and literally drove a woman to suicide.

I entirely sympathise with this argument, but I don’t think anyone involved is making the “we have lost $X” claims. I mean, the whole point of the article is to report that someone made loads MORE money because of it.

Pretty sure “the spell” and “the item that gives you the spell” are logically interchangeable, even for pedants.

What a BAMF. Rest in piece, Hero.

Not a likely scenario, I know, but I think it would be fucking hilarious if this guy was cheating all that time in order to actually get “better” at chess.

The Republicans plan to save America is secure the borders so brown people don’t become the neighbors of white people, cut their taxes, take away abortion rights, take away gay rights, ban books, enforcing Christianity across the nation and only support white middle Americans.

If you can tell me any other plans the

I like the message, and even moreso because he didn’t actually say “touch grass”, which is what every unoriginal dipshit parrots to make themselves feel special. Why have a personality when you can just bleat the phrase of the moment?

Deplatforming works

Look at this... emergency food 4K

There’s always some bootlicking libertarian trustfunder in the comments.