
I mean, I think there’s a middle ground between “give me a heads up so I can hide the bodies” and not letting them know at all that this might happen. It could be the sort of thing where the team knows not to bust in shooting.

I honestly kind of missed licensed games. Some of them could be pretty fun, especially if you only rented them or bought them at a discount. A lot of the mobile licensed games I see are gacha games or follow the usual mobile formats of lazy RTSs, which I’m not really interested in, personally.

Oh, shit! I didn’t realize it was out so soon—I loved Oxenfree, and when I heard about the conceit of this game, I was all for it. I’ll have to pick this up!

oh wow i love hotel transylvania

I agree, yeah. Tsubasa deciding to do it but also change the industry could have been one thing, but the chapter ended up being more about Tsubasa and the others becoming more comfortable doing gravure shoots, not critiquing gravure as a genre or even examining body image issues.


idk, I’m not sure how much talking about the industry can be a commentary when the characters resolve to just go with it instead of trying to change it, you know?

Kind of, yeah. It’s not quite as cut-and-dry as the usual “ANIME TIDDY CENSORSHIP!!!!” screaming, though. They modified some outfits (a wedding dress is now covered up a lot more, though it looks really bad imo; a boss has flames over her cleavage in a cutscene, but not in the actual battle), they aged the characters

How much of it was actually commentary on gravure, though? I admit I only played the Western version, but what we got seemed less like it was an adapted commentary on sexualizing idols and more the idols needing to learn to be confident in themselves.

For context, it’s never been clear if the changes were done by Atlus themselves or by Nintendo. This is the last tweet in the relevant tweet thread from Atlus USA’s then-PR person:

Yeah, that’s definitely gross of them. I mostly provided the links for context, more out of habit than directing them at you specifically. Either way, though, this situation sucks; it means that Dawson has a transphobic side, or that someone’s faking discrimination. :/

I definitely try to believe victims, especially when it comes to big-name celebrities like this since they tend to fly under the radar when it comes to abusive behavior, but I’d be lying if I said there wasn’t a part of me that’s a little skeptical. Dawson’s spoken before about trans activist friends, gone out of her

I wouldn’t really say they’re life choices as much as aspects of someone’s being, but you’re right: they don’t impact anyone else, and the amount of meddling is ridiculous.

Do you honestly not understand the difference between knowing something logically and actually feeling/experiencing it? Think of it this way: there’s a huge difference between reading a Wikipedia article about a movie and actually watching the movie itself. You can imagine how it feels to marry someone, you can

Seconding the removal of cables. If you need ‘em out, there are plenty of cable management sleeves out there so you can at least make it a neat single cord than a bunch of wires going everywhere out the back.

I mean, Gita stated that she grew up without seeing examples. That’s all that we really needed to know; does it matter where she grew up when the important part is that place didn’t have many visible interracial couples? She elaborated: a small private school. Private schools usually lean pretty white, and again, we

It’s less that it’s absolutely necessary in order to imagine it and more that there’s a difference between conceptualizing it and really getting it. There’s a reason why representation is important to so many people, after all.

It’s not bigoted to tell someone you don’t have to tell them all about your life, though. Gita grew up in a place where she didn’t see a lot of interracial couples; we don’t need blow-by-blow details, even if the curiosity is genuine. Everyone’s experiences are different, and that’s something we should be able to

I didn’t say that wasn’t a part of it, lol. Plenty of critics of this kind of technology are reasonable about their critiques, and I agree that it would be nice to have advancement not driven by advertising. At the same time, I do see a lot of the complaints centering around the user’s data being even remotely