

Don’t let the door rape you on the way out.

Oh look. A whiny bitch. Women are our equals, but continue to believe what you do, I’m sure it’ll turn out well for you.

Yeah, just like all the oh so hot male comedians out there.

Stop trying to make “steeding up” happen.

If it makes you feel better, think of all the real rape out there that doesn't make the news.

It’s Priority One for rapists, so good point.

go back to your waifu body pillow, you sweaty loser.

Cut him some slack, guy. Everyone knows men can't be funny.

I’d say she’s in the same league as the actor playing her husband. But his looks aren’t important, right?

I don’t even know how to approach this. Because you have to be attractive to be funny? You have to be attractive to expose the disgusting underbelly of highschool rape culture? You have to be attractive to exist? What’s the hot take I’m supposed to glean from this comment?

Help what? Your constant masturbating?

This is hilarious, but my favorite part by far is at the very beginning when she drinks from the glass then does the dancing, arm twirling thing EXACTLY like the real FNL wife.

Because attractiveness is the key to good comedy?

Yes. That’s obviously the important thing to remember here.

I find the fact he is holding a pitcher weird.

Let me save some nerds a lot of time...

Thank you! She has the classic pillhead loopy affect that pill addicts have. She’s much less fall down drunk and much more had too many Klonopins or Xanies.