
Kim kept saying that she’d been sober for three years. The math doesn’t work out. The season with the limo fight between her and Kyle aired in the January 2011. At best, she would have gotten sober that summer. But then there’s the trip to France which aired February 2013 where she was clearly messed up, or at least

From the vine someone posted below, the usher was standing with his back to the field talking with another guest. Not smart.

Two people being allowed to take their seats during a pitch while the usher is talking with another guest with HIS back also turned to the field. Good gravy.

Now this is a flop of an entirely different animal.

And also for the follow up question as to whether he was the one who hurt the fish. He's getting rill, even if it costs him a fish bitch-slap.

Notice that there was no significant other in Phil's birthday flashbacks. He was likely a jerk before. After a year alone, he was suicidal, and now he is further being driven mad due to the circumstances that have suddenly developed since he married the first woman he saw after a year.

The Today Show did a feature on what to wear to Coachella. I doubt it was the only daytime show to do it. It's like a collective "WHAT ARE YOU WEARING?" text.

I dig a good ferris wheel shot just as much as the next person but all I can do is sneeze looking at the layer of dust and grass kicked up into the air.

She was a prolific writer, a widely used public figure, and she offers great quotes every time she speaks and this happens? COTDAMMIT!

Oprah is going to be on the warpath. I wouldn’t be surprised if she buys all of them and then had USPS print new ones with a quote (and new photo) that she personally selects.

This is what happens when one uses Pintrest for work.

Holy hell this entire clip is a shitshow! It's worth clicking forward to the coked out blond who is not Vince Neil but is "playing" the violin and "singing" Uptown Funk but who cannot catch the beat if the quarterback handed it to her.

Escorted onto the field by those girls, girls, girls.

Thank you!


If I didn't hate the back zipper, they would be mine (on an ambien-fueled, late night shopping binge).

Prom circa 1990.

The shoes are effing phenomenal.

Like when someone comes up to hug her from behind and she freaks out and yells "I don't like that!!"