
Cognitive dissonance is a helluva drug.

She definitely is. But I think her desire to constantly suck her own dick distracts her. She literally only cares about getting the throne, which duh this is “Game of Thrones”, after all. I think I sympathize with Jon Snow kind of being like, “You all need to stfu and listen to me. Most of you didn’t believe there

It’s like Tyrion and Jon were saying:

Meera. Meera will get stuck doing the dishes because Sansa is too busy ruling shit, Arya is too busy seeking revenge, and Bran is in the corner, being emo as fuck.

But notiiiiice - that it was like, aside from Dany having her extra long Starbucks label read out loud, that Jon let Davos be his hype man. I’m already team North, but if I hadn’t been Ser Davos’ hype would have made me switch teams. Combined with Danerys being as awful as she’s always been right down to that HELLA

The Targaryns were know to practice polygamy. It’s possible that Rhegar married Lyanna.

This is kind of complicated question that requires a lot of things to be “just so” in order for Jon to be a legitimate Targaryen heir. IF a Targaryen is on the throne, and Targaryen rules about polygamy apply and IF Rhaegar actually married Lyanna, or IF Rhaegar made some sort of provision legitimizing the child

Except for the mercy killing of her husband, those examples are all of her exacting punishment on those who have actually wronged her or were truly evil. Killing a leader who is trusted by her Hand and has shown her no other ill-will would have been out of character, not to mention dumb when she needs to try to create

She hasn’t lost anything by giving it away either if Jon was wrong. I think Tryion just convinced her to kick that can down the road and we’ll find a solution to it later. Since he believes Jon I think he believes it’s going to pay off later. They’re not going to ally with Cersei so for now, it’s one less group

She didn’t kill Khal Drogo, she tried to have that witch bring him back to life and it failed spectacularly. She locked Xaro in the vault because he totally betrayed her. She killed the slave masters because they were totally evil.

Is John not the true Targaryen heir? Rhaegar was the crown prince. Surely his son would inherit before his little sister.

Yeah, Jon’s always been a bastard on the show (and we don’t really know how it’ll play out in the books even if Robb did legitimize him in a will)

Missandei: You are in the presence of Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons!

I thought “Are you now just going to start claiming things you say are ancient wisdom?” ....”Not to you”. ..was pretty cool.

Davos: He didn’t want to go on the cart.

“I read the book and followed the instructions,” was a pretty great line.

Davos: You know he was dead once.

Dany was in full Royal Taking No Shit mode when Jon entered Dragonstone; letting him leave with what he wants without demanding—or forcing, rather—him to bend the knee seems uncharacteristic of her at best, a cop-out at worst.

And then she immediately offered to put Bran in charge the second he returned in this very episode. He declined.

Man pour one out for Olenna Tyrell. Her character will so be missed, but she went out like a G.