
I wonder why they erected it in 1959? Hmmmm, what was happening then that they may have felt a need to push back on? 

Your comment does not have enough stars. Excellent breakdown of the real making of America.

Star for “barely sentient meconium.”

The perfect racist asshole to announce this “plan.”

All of the conservative viewpoints I have heard (on NPR, PBS, etc.) have said they are fine with the amnesty for this particular group of people—the Dreamers—but vociferously oppose their parents being allowed to stay. They would be profiting from having broken the law by immigrating in the first place. It’s a

Fuckity fuck fuck fuck. Getting ready for more burning buildings. But it doesn’t matter, right, because immigrants live there? Right? Fuck all these people.

Seriously, what a dick. Oh wait. That’s what he’s thinking with.

So, all those people who worried that this was just another way for the government to get their names and deport them turn out to be right. This just forces more people into hiding. Thanks, Trump. You’re an asshole.

See also, Starbucks. Cannot believe how many people just get up and leave their laptops, phones, textbooks to go to the bathroom. Nope.