
But just yesterday, everyone was commenting how wonderful Anthony Bourdain is! I’ve seen him target a friend. When he feels he’s been wronged, he is relentless in the bullying and blame. I refuse to watch his show or have anything to do with anything that involves him.

So did Bourdain get news about his gf being sexually assaulted by Weinstein the same time as the rest of? As far as I can tell, he began his lambasting only when it became national news. But now he’s laying into Hillary for not being more outspoken about the matter? Fuck off Bourdain.

Bourdain cavalierly dumped his wife of nearly 30 years for a younger model and now he has “traded up” once again so he might as well shut the fuck up. No need to trash Hillary as a means of impressing his new hot number. He’s a blowhard.

YES and on that same token, his statement acknowledging his “mistakes.” Sexual assault and rape are not “mistakes”...they are intentional criminal acts and this asshole belongs in jail, not some cushy rehab joint.

Thank you, Emma Thompson. He’s a predator, sex rehab is not going to do a thing for him.

This seems really shitty. Even if Collins actually does have these emails and knows them to be authentic, still... why share that? There’s no value here, there’s not even anything particularly interesting. It’s not even airing dirty laundry, it’s just violating someone’s privacy for the sake of spreading banal

I’m really trying to figure out how this is a “thing” worthy of a report.

None of this is crazy to me at all, but I’ve worked as a nanny. In defense of SJP, the doctor actually gives you very specific blinking instructions when he/she prescribes eye drops for pink eye. If you blink too soon after they’re applied you can blink them out before they have time to act.

God help me, but this email, along with the Rob Lowe personal assistant job posting and even the Steve Harvey “Don’t talk to me” memo, all have me on the side of the celebrity. If you have specific instructions for people working for you, what’s wrong with just putting it out there in a respectful way so everything

I’ve known people who haved worked for famous people. Believe me, this is nothing. My demands would seem far weirder.

She got a plug on Jez for her gig on November 13. Mission accomplished.

None of this seems that unreasonable to me.

Yeah—this whole story seems like a pretty pointless invasion of someone’s privacy. If the notes that I left for our house-sitter/dog-sitter were ever featured on The View, they would probably seem ridiculous.

The context of these emails seems strange? I would assume a staff member of two fairly well-known celebrities has signed an NDA or should at least know better if they care about maintaining their job than to pass on emails from an employer. And why a comedian would need to read emails about replenishing children’s

Society allows white men to make mistakes. Women and POC not so much. It was never about her emails. Just like how people aren’t really mad at the kneeling for the national anthem. They’re mad that black men are being uppity.

No, I’m sorry. The answer is racism. Racism is the reason people voted for Trump. Thanks for playing though.

Damn you, you had me going in that first paragraph.

I’m so confused by this whole thing. I remember the original blind item and the assumption that it was Louis CK.

But we’re crowd-sourcing with (sparkly balloon font) USER GENERATED CONTENT!

This is getting boring and a little gross. It’s reminding me of the call for unedited photos of Lena Dunham – skeevy and not what I’d expect from this site.