
Personally, I could care less if The Doctor became a woman. That’s hardly the real problem with the series these days. The real problem is the really really terrible writing that keeps being passed off.

And for this guy, as a politician, to then go back and write a memo: ‘Oh, I felt threatened.’ He felt so threatened — but he didn’t do anything.”

I agree with you! That was the last straw for me. I don’t think politician’s(or anyone’s) sexual proclivities should be held against them but that was a serious violation. If his son was a daughter/ girl I wonder if people would still be as tolerant.


I get what you’re saying but Comey was chasing a lead he had a reasonable suspicion was specious, yes? Further he did so, again, reasonably understanding that such action would be deeply prejudicial against one candidate. All this while failing to disclose information (i.e. Trump campaign under simultaneous

This. He had a series of bad choices. It’s entirely his fault for being backed into that corner, but that decision is defensible.

We are twins in hair, potato-y-ness, and jealousy.

I LOVE super short hair on women. Sadly, I have a gigantic head, non-existent jawline and otherwise distinctly Irish potato-like features so for me more hair (= super layered and lots going on around the face) is best. I so badly wish I could pull it off.

I love your mom. Im legal counsel to a trust fund with about 125 employees, which means I get a lot of people who come into my office wanting to know if their boss can do such-and-such or isnt it a hostile work environment,blah blah blah - so and so got a raise, etc., and I say the same thing to each one of them:

Holy shit, I normally like what you write, but this entire comment is so ignorant of the context of Warhol/Lichtenstein that it almost reads as parody

The tabloid went about it the right way. It’s the police department that might have messed up.

Also, money to shore up their cockamamie brand.

OK. Let’s agree that a tabloid violated the law by publishing information regarding the sexual assault of minor children.

While in pretty much any other case this would be true, if you don’t think they see their brand/income as the true victim here, I almost envy you.

There’s a lot in a name. You can be Representative Weiner or Assemblyman Jacker or Freeholder Bigg-Johnson.

I did laugh while reading the Lawfare blog— the absurdity of those advances per se!— but laughter mixed with alarm. Wittes writes how Comey’s discomfort and disgust re Trump came from the pervasive feeling that Trump was trying to get him to “kiss the ring”, and fired him when he realized Comey wouldn’t come

I don’t think he was acting in a way to throw the election (though it probably did) I think he assumed like everyone else that Hillary would win and that if the reopening came out it would tarnish the FBI. But the fact that they didn’t mention the Trump campaign investigation was a big blunder with huge consequences.

“Oh and there’s Jim,” Mr. Trump said. “He’s become more famous than me.”

Guiliani’s being investigated for leaking “FBI information” and Chafetz mysteriously resigned. Something happened

I’m living on mostly rice, these days, but still subscribe to the New Yorker.