
You can pick on my grammar, but you can’t pick on my logic!


AKA my favorite childrens book ever.

I’ve always wondered why I am able to write decent sentences and love stories, but am not even remotely a writer. I see a piece of popcorn on a historical artifact and I think, “Some asshole threw popcorn on there on purpose. Someone should give them a slap.”

I visited for the first time this February, and had loved the book as a kid. It was amazing to be in the Met!

Crushed up

I loved that book. So much.

This book was my everything growing up. The first time I visited the Met as an adult was just full of childlike glee due to the sheer number of times I read the book growing up.

*Reads first sentence of article*

Awesome book that I love.

I adored that book, and the Met Museum, as a child. The Temple of Dendure still holds a particularly important place in my heart. Even as an adult, now that the Temple doesn’t seem so huge and mysterious, I love to walk through that room and imagine living in it. The book understood entirely what the fantasy of so

A thug AND a gaslighter! “Oh, silly female, imagining things again,, sounds like someone has a touch of the vapors.” Class act, Issa, you crooked goddamn bicycle-seat sniffer.

The effects of getting hung up on length. Sometimes you just have to do more than trim.

I am getting way too much glee in this. But, hey, if we’re going to be fucked over, the schadenfreude is the least of what I deserve as an American who voted for the popular vote winner and got as many people as I could in my circle to vote.

“Auntie Barbara, I have some bad news. DAD’S DEAD. DEEEAAAD! DAD! DEEEAAAAD! He’s fine! He sends his love! G’bye!”

Yes! “Is this the sink? Am I shrinking” 😂 all time favourite was when Jackie has to tell her aunt that her dad died... “Dad’s dead, he’s dead, DAD’S DEAD! DEAD!..Dad’s fine he sends his love”😂😂

A couple of months ago, she said something really Islamophobic and I responded with something to the effect of “Hey now, that’s pretty terrible. Don’t let me down, lady. I grew up loving you but that is hateful.” Genuinely was that vanilla. She literally responded with the words “SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT JEWS, NAZI.”

They lost their collective minds with that last season. I’m liked they wrapped it up with how Roseanne was just dealing with Dan’s death but still, what was that? Were the writers on strike?

One can only hope. That last season was bad but the finale was a slap in the face to fans.