
The amazing and nightmarish Ross Sisters!

Everyone can slip up speaking every now and then — transcripts of real human conversations frequently seem garbled because people will mangle the occasional word or sentence, abruptly shift from one sentence to another, etc. But a high rate of speech errors can also be a sign of, well, bullshitting — something that

I apologize and I rectified.

Decimation is in the eye of the beholder. At least 62 million Trump voters look at this as an attack by the biased liberal media on a good conservative woman who made a mistake and admitted it.

The media needs to stop giving her a platform. The only possible response to Gobbels Barbie here is screaming “fuck you” loud enough to drown her out. She’s nothing but propaganda kept upright by six inches deep pancake makeup and contempt for all living beings.

By putting her back on the air all they are doing is validating alternative facts. They should blacklist her if she lacks credibility. I believe the colloquialism is, “Don’t feed the troll.”

Yea I’m not feeling the outrage.

Who of us hasn’t begged an author to be let out of the greys? The kinja version of a knighthood. Some with more success that others.

Desperately wanting a particular acknowledgement, isn’t/shouldn’t be scandalous.

So true

but ‘er emails!

Ironically, this lawsuit will do more damage to her brand than some stupid article in the Daily Mail ever could.

Because shes a pretty white woman. She must be a victim!

Can we all agree that Melania is no captive victim here? She may despise her disgusting beast of a husband, but she’s in on the insanity all the same.  

Exactly. IF you want to know what a conservative is guilty of, you simply have to look at what they accuse others of. It’s because they simply cannot fathom that other people may be different than themselves, they assume that everyone is as horrible as they are.

She’s rich and she’s a big donor to politicians.

And the right wing constantly accuse the left of using payed protesters. Project much?

His supporters are also high on opiods.

Thank you. I seriously cannot wait for these people to start shopping at Grocery stores that charge more due to an import tax, or have to private school their kids because DeVos destroyed public education. I can’t wait for them to sit there and realize that they are doubling down for not only daycare, but private