
Part of the weird narrative they’re peddling to try to pretend they have a mandate for governing is that the protesters are being paid handsomely by Hilary Clinton/The Democrats in an effort to hide the fact that everyone loves Trump. Remember, the sort of people who voted for Trump believe being a “crisis actor” in

Constanly smear your adversaries to the delight of your lumpen supporters. Then you can proceed to fuck over everyone.

Ooh, ooh, I know: because if the Trumpsters had lost, they had plans to astroturf paid protestors. Everything they do and say is projection.

She’s a white blond lady, and it’s always worked for her before, so....yup, that’s exactly what she thinks. Ugh.

Kellyanne reminds me of a worn-out, fucked up animatronic at a pizza restaurant where the one eye doesn’t open all the way.

The next time you’re in NYC and you see someone carrying a bucket, box, whatever, ask him what’s in the bucket. I guarantee you the bucket will be full of “fuck you”.

More like because somebody else’s gold isn’t worth potentially dying over. Not everything is political.

It’s NYC. It’s not because of political correctness, it’s because you are rubbing shoulders on the street with 8 million other people. If you live there, you know that shit that in general shit that is other people’s problem should stay other people’s problem. Especially when that other person isn’t a person, but a

I’d probably assume it was full of his own shit or something, and give him a wide berth.

In NYC you could push a shopping cart full of bloody dismembered body parts down the sidewalk and everyone would just mind their own f-ing business.

Love that he got tired and just set it down. Is New York City that weird that no one would notice a guy carrying an 86 pound bucket of gold leaf?

She may be planning to donate it should she win. That said, you know this is a way to fish for documents and info, right? And who but a rich person could afford to take on CoS? Plus, the fact that she was a semi-successful actress doesn’t mean she wasn’t damaged by this cult.

You think she’s actually going to make money from this lawsuit??? She won’t. She’s just wealthy enough to sue to make a point. The non-millionaires don’t have that ability.

How do it know what she’s going to do with the money. Maybe she’ll use it to help others, which is what she’s trying to do with this show. As others have said she had no choice about “joining” and wealthy or not it is a sersiously big deal to defy “the church”.

Scientology blackmails and cons people out of money all the time. I’m glad she’s suing.

She didn’t join, she was raised in the cult. smh

So, I’m fortunate (?) enough to have been with a few movie-star hot men. Like, Jon Hamm handsome. And yeah. They do tend to have a false sense of their funniness, business acumen, etc. It’s not always intentional; I think you can be a really nice guy and look like Brad Pitt. But you’re rarely told the gravity of your

Do you think the episode of John Hamm on 30 Rock thinking he can do everything because no one told him he couldn’t because he’s so hot was real life? This would be a perfect Tina Fey move.

As a mother of a child on the spectrum, can you please dismiss any comments mocking Trump for having an autistic child? I hate Trump with a fiery passion, but that shit is off limits.

I can’t believe I am going to type this next sentence.