
If there is EVER a time the “king” should support the “queen”, it is during childbirth.

Between this and the In-N-Out lemonade stealing fanpic, Baby Dracula-I mean Eric Trump-is not having a good week.

I recommend Seth Meyers too. He’s hitting Trump on a daily basis and it’s pretty good. And more than once a week (I only wish we could have Sam and John every day).

“Richard Hatch is a felon. Ask his fellow contestants, he can’t be trusted. Show me the evidence Mr. Trump ever said any of those things.”

It’s sad to see that woman humiliating herself.

No, they don’t care about the racism. Isn’t that obvious? Some of them are rats jumping off a sinking ship, and some are genuinely offended about Trump’s sexist bragging about a (white) woman.

He has always respected the service and sacrifice of our military men and women

I think the goal is to dominate social media during the debate, both to drown out the real fact-checking and to give Drumpf something to brag about afterward.

I’ve spent so much time on Tony Ortega’s site and similar sites, trying to understand the crazy that is Scientology. This is gonna be good!

I think she’s pretty immune to the kind of tactics they use to intimidate former members into silence (thank Xenu).

Hmmm. That contradicts all the local gossip I’ve ever heard about what it’s like to work for her.

I don’t think any of them would have a chance. Too many New Yorkers know/hate the Trumps.

Oprah “borrowed” much (if not all) of her show wardrobe back in the early days from Marshall Field’s.

New Yorkers tend to say “on line”.

It’s not fixed. fyi

This is a really good brag. Congratulations!

That seems unusually high. Our mortgage is around $400k and our monthly payment is $1900 and change.

I’m just sitting here laughing that anyone is defending Blago.

I just want to know if any of these people offered an equal number of opinions on Trump’s and Sanders’ voices, and what those opinions were...

I hadn’t noticed how she flinched and pulled away as soon as he began patting her hips. He’s so vile.