
That counts.

Wait, why are you saying Peggy's SSR colleagues are onto her? I don't remember seeing that last night.

I actually stopped watching it in late fall, but went back to it when people were promising it got good again. Really glad I did.

I thought it was great. I hope the remaining episodes live up to the promise of this first one.

Maybe they went from friendship to dating.

I don't know why anyone expected Phylicia Rashad to be critical of Cosby. He made her career. I suppose people confused the character with the actress who played her.

That's someone who had a shitty high school experience and never got over it.

I thought she already croaked.

Can I just say how much I love his drag look during TVC15? He served up Miss Hathaway from the Beverly Hillbillies.

Extreme opinions from loudmouths = ratings.

Catherine is the best. Will someone please make a gif of her eye-rolling "Yesssss" at 1:40?

Who would want to eat that though? Yuk.

Is vaping considered to be douchey, and why? Signed, an old who's never smoked.

Your dad's a trouper. I could barely make it through Titanic once.

The general public finally seems to be coming around to my opinion about Madonna. I was over her the minute I saw her rolling around the stage in a wedding dress in 1984 or whenever it was. Thirsty, superficial, appropriating, exploitative asshole.

I just threw up a little in my mouth.

Agree about that blind and that she's probably not a nice person. But then neither is Penn.