
But racism in America doesn't exist any more!

Name suggestion: Benedictine

It's a "meh" for me too. I've heard her music before and I don't find much depth to it.

I don't think she has much of a voice. But, she can't just get up there and dance if she wants to be a pop star. There's a long tradition of weak singers becoming pop stars so her voice shouldn't be an impediment.

The mom giving instructions is so creepy.

Google Glass is still not cool.

I didn't know she was married again until just now. But I can't say I'm surprised, this is her third (or fourth?) secret marriage.

Yes. Awful, really. As are all the comments lauding her post.

Something similar happened to me once with a guy at an old job. When I mentioned my husband in passing during a conversation, he was obviously taken aback. He didn't get visibly angry, but he definitely was disappointed and thought I had been leading him on, when I thought we were just work friends. I still don't know

I think he's way too concerned with his image to have allowed any non-"A" photos to be circulating in the public realm.

Your point is moot. If someone wants to be punched in the face, they're not going to file a complaint about it afterward. This law protects people who aren't consenting.

I just saw those tweets for the first time. If I didn't know beforehand they were real, I would have been positive they were a parody. That's how tone deaf and delusional she came off in those tweets.

Did she realize she was wrong, or did she decide it was more expedient to kick Ghomeshi off her show after monitoring her fans' reactions on social media for five days (or did Ghomeshi withdraw)? I just looked at her recent Facebook posts and I don't see her acknowledging she was wrong, or even hinting she was wrong.

According to this tweet from last spring, yes:

Ghomeshi was in the videos he showed to the CBC:

From the reports I've read, I'm not sure whether it mattered to the CBC whether the women in the videos consented (and how could that be proved, short of Ghomeshi asking for their consent before every single action he took during sex). They may have been considering the Supreme Court's ruling, although they're saying

You must have meant this response to someone else, as my original response was specifically about my own reaction. The opposite of a sweeping generalization.

Another example of an inability to imagine the world from anyone else's viewpoint. Or maybe you just live in a very small town. If you're being honest in your response, that is.

What percentage of older women do you say hello to, women you're not attracted to? What percentage of men you perceive to be below you in social status are you saying hello to? How many disabled people on the street do you say hello to?