KimJong LetMeHearYouSayUN nananana

“Peaked in High School.”

Also, if you’ve got a cop in the family you just keep your mouth shut and let them try and sweep it under the rug for you quietly after the fact.

perfect grades her entire life, she was a cheerleader, she was a sorority girl, she graduated from a “high accredited university,” she was in the National Honors Society

the Pro Football Hall of Fame loves insane, sanctimonious asshole Ray Lewis but might change its own rules because of Terrell Owens.

In 2011 The Red Sox blew a 9 game lead in September. They have a whole ‘nother month to f**k things up on top of that. Like all sports fans, I have a sort of fatalistic belief my team will find a way to ruin a good thing - so as a Red Sox Fan, I’ll still pretend tomorrow is the beginning of the unraveling...until the

Well, see, she was obviously suffering from Melanin Induced Impulse Control Loss. It’s an affliction only suffered by white people in the presence of melanin. Symptoms include apoplectic rage, loss of motor control, violence, verbal assault, 911 calling, and/or the tendency to inadvertently shout “FUCKING NIGGER!”

Because sometimes you get away with it. 

Hell it’s what Urban Meyer already did at Florida.

By “them” I meant Predelus. I see that my original statement reads confusingly. :(

I was just trying to figure this out and it’s messier than I thought. If one grandparent were black he would be 25%. If one great grandparent were black he would be 12.5%. It’s like a NCAA bracket, so nearest I can figure 3 of the sweet 16 were black, but that’s 18.75%. Going many generations higher we can get closer

Ugh, glad the baby and she are both alright. saw the name on the sample and was like, “No need to run it. This dude’s black.”

Saw some blurb about Rand Paul being involved in this.

I’m sure the 2nd date will go better. 

Looks like Papa John’s just found their new spokesman.

Her day off was for policing. But her racism is a full time job. 

This guy better be court-martialed—gargling Castro’s dong like that.

Why do you hate the military and America?

Except that’s Hollywood fantasy, in real life the frumpy chick is frumpy and the nerdy kids are the nerdy poor variety.  Instead of secretly pining for the good old days, Kawhi’s like damn these rich guys are fun and the chicks are way hotter... screw you losers, I’m out.

Ladies and Gentlemen if gun violence has “thoughts and prayers” racist behavior has “this behavior does not reflect.”