I LOVE tactical RPGs. Loved em from the first time I played Shining Force II on my Genesis.
I LOVE tactical RPGs. Loved em from the first time I played Shining Force II on my Genesis.
I see a lot of these ER speed running posts saying these runs show how “broken” this game is. But like, I’ve got 175 hours on this game and the worst I’ve encountered is a loading crash here and there (oh, and typical From stuff like enemies hitting me through fog walls). I mean, I’m sure folks have run into a lot of…
Assholes like this have the police offer to call them a cab way past the point when some of them would’ve shot a black person in the same situation. I don’t know how to find it funny anymore.
Despite all THAT, she was able to REACH for and use her phone as police arrived on-scene without arousing fear and a call for SWAT tactics. She wasn’t body-slammed to the ground, kneed in the back, and pummeled senseless while being questioned. She resisted arrest and somehow made it to the police station unriddled…
I really tried just cause he said please so many times. Maybe if someone cut the video in half by removing the 3-second-pause she uses 4 times per sentence I'll get farther.
there’s no easy way out
Not the Antonio Brown come back story I expected.
I believe the logical conclusion is that AB retires to become a helmet designer, and uses Lavar Ball’s manufacturing connections to go to market.
Yeah its so boring which is why I remember exactly how she looked, what she said, what she was wearing, how she tasted, how she felt... but I was terribly bored the entire time. It’s definitely not the only time I almost had sex.
Also I went to Harvard and she was totally impressed with that. I didn’t bring it up, she…
I can’t wait for the next segment of “Tinactin a Fool”
I’m going to buy the game, I’m going to enjoy it. Will I be upset that not every single pokemon to ever exist will be in it? no, no I won’t. Why? Because they’re nearly 1000 pokemon and I wouldn’t wish on any developer/designer/animator to code, animate, etc all of them. That’s insane and totally unrealistic.
Oh just fuck off with this already. Had this pic been snapped of a woman Deadspin and all of its sister sites would be yelling about creepshots, consent, and autonomy.
The VAR review was inconclusive.
The Hut Fumble
Please make Lavar Ball President of Operations . . . please make Lavar Ball President of Operations . . . please make Lavar Ball President of Operations.
The guy has not even started playing for the Knicks yet, let’s hold off on any and all “worst nightmare” talk.
Not that it’s ‘the same’, but Intel has like 20K employees in the Portland area, so these fanbases share more in common than they’d like to admit.