KimJong LetMeHearYouSayUN nananana

Oh, you ain’t never lied about that! While they running around calling the police on any black people in a five mile radius of them, those same white people getting raped , robbed, assaulted, and murdered , by the white people in their lives that they refused to be scared of, and give the benefit of the doubt to.

Meanwhile, these same self-appointed neighborhood watch losers continue to get robbed blind by people they know. If there’s one characteristic that I would appoint to practically all white people is the inability to do proper risk assessment.

A scam is too ethical to continue to con you out of your racist self’s money.

If North Korea can party with the United States, South Korea can party with Mexico. 


If ever there was a sign that NCAA rules on amateurism was stupid....

Or literally any trip to the concessions stand at any sporting event or concert, ever.

[casts stone, sees it not going far enough, runs underneath to catch it, casts again]

The headline already is the joke.

Calling TO the worst teammate in the history of football is a huge fucking stretch, my dude.

Yeah who doesn’t know about the Mid-American Confernce...idiots

Do people think that it’s only acceptable to protest things that directly affect themselves?

What’s most impressive is that he scored from first on the following hit. The man can run.

Don’t overthink it. There’s a limited window to make a decent joke in the comments. I was aiming for a decent pop culture metaphor more than a critique of character motivations and plot points.

The only way for JR to make it up is to somehow injure two of the warriors for the series on one play to open game 2 and be suspended for the rest of the series himself.

I agree with this. Doesn’t matter whether this team had more money or talent than the others. School sports is about building relationships through a common activity in a safe, productive environment. That necessitates a ceiling on the competition therein. That this coach focused entirely on winning at the expense of

Now playing

The state (government at any level) should never be allowed to use its status as the state to gain an edge over other creditors in getting paid.

I give him props for having a great work ethic and knowing his audience. You are right, Pusha T is tired, just like his boss and fake ass (literally) wife.

The ball becomes dead and runners advance one base, or return to their bases, without liability to be put out, when:

He has a point: that wuss Gordon Hayward would’ve played this year if he had used Gold Bond to re-attach his foot to his body and then rubbed some Icy Hot into it.