The real question is, in what inning did you resign yourself to your fate and begin writing this post?
The real question is, in what inning did you resign yourself to your fate and begin writing this post?
Fruit? They got fruit at Arby’s?
We have a winner! The first couple we’re good entries in a marginal sense but too ineffectual to work, especially on TV. But your response is a gem. Deny the accusation, not only discount the wrong doing, but re-define the action, thereby justifying the behavior. The “spate of recent break-ins in the area” is my…
You’re right, but Blaxit has too much emphasis on Black, which is the one thing these people want nothing to do with.
When she’s on the local news during her apology tour what will be her defense?
Damn, I was gonna say this probably won’t get enough stars... then I checked, and it did.
Dude get’s about $150 million from Starz and this is what he does with his money? I only wish they gave him more.
50's broke like you’re aware. The guy just got one of the largest contracts ever from a network to a a production company.
The thing is... the remix is fire, like too good, like maybe a professional.
Uh... are you kidding me? Is this one of those responses that should have had a /s? Tropic Thunder was 2008, that’s ten years ago.
My list wasn’t intended to be comprehensive, but... it actually makes your point stronger, because you are absolutely right. We have a long history of transgressions in the Caribbean and Central America that effectively no one even knows, largely because every American institution silences the discussion.
This is literally the troll’s dream outcome. Yep... you showed him, he’ll never do it again.
Ya gotta keep the “Trump-Thanos and the Quest for the Stupidity Stones” story line going for at least a couple more posts
Would Robert Downey Jr. get away with Tropic Thunder today?
I have a total of zero-gifs. I like them, but my perceived oldness rejects them... and while all older, I’m not in an age range expected to reject gifs out of hand.
It really is... and I really hope I’m wrong, but I also wouldn’t be surprised. Cause ya know... WP.
So... this pretty much guarantees Matt Lauer is coming back to broadcast TV
Seems like a real rational level-headed guy prone to making a lot of sense.
Wasn’t America the one that would swoop in and evaluate other countries elections from transparency, corruption, and fraud?
Damn... you’re right, this would end poorly. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if they already had something similar filmed. And you know if they did and it was discovered, the response would be “relax... it’s only a satire.”